Part 7

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So today was the boys first day of highschool. They were hoping they had a lot of the same classes as eachother especially lunch. Zach was hoping he'd have the same science class as corbyn the most tho considering Zach wasn't the best in that class and corbyn was the best.

Jonah's pov

As I woke up it was 5:00 AM and I was the first up which wasn't a surprise. So I went down to the kitchen and made me some coffee. Yeah I know I have an addiction I've been drinking it since like 5th grade.

As I was standing there drinking my coffee I heard someone walking behind me so I turned around.

"Hey what are you doing up so early." Corbyn said rubbing his eyes

"Well I needed coffee" I said looking at the tired boy

"Oh well you woke me up" corbyn said

"How did I wake you up" I said

"Idk you just did" he said

"Yeah Whatever" I said walking off

(Time skip to 6:30 am)

Zach's POV

Omg it's our first day of school. I thought to myself as I woke up.

"Jack" I said looking over at him

"Jackkkk" I said as I was shaking him up

"Zachhhhh" he said slightly waking up

"Wake up" I said kinda whining

"Whyyy give me 5 more minutes" he said.

Yeah right like he'll wake up later...I thought to myself

"Jack Robert Avery get up" I said pulling the blanket off of him

"No leave me alone" he said

"That's it you left me no choice. JONAHHHHH" I said screaming for Jonah

"What Zach?" Jonah said walking into the room

"Jack won't wake up" I said

"Oh okay. Jack Robert Avery get up" Jonah said while picking Jack up

"Fine I'm up I'm up" jack said

"GUYS I FORGOT MY CLOTHES" Daniel said worried

"Dude it's okay I brought extra" Jonah said

"Wooo thanks jo" Daniel said

"Wow what a way to start the new year" corbyn said

After we all got dressed and ready for school we walked to the bus stop. And kay Gabbie and Christina where there waiting since we all live pretty close to eachother. Kay live 2 houses down from jack. Christina live 3 houses down from Jonah. Gabbie lives right next to Daniel. And of course corbyn lives 3 houses down from me. So it's pretty cool.

"Omg Jonah Hey" Tate said hugging him

"Tate it feels like forever" Jonah said smiling at her

"Chrissssyy" corbyn said

"Beannnnn" she said hugging him

"Hey Zach" kay said

"Oh hey Kay" I said

"Jackyyy" Gabbie said

"Omg Gabbie it feels like forever" jack said hugging Gabbie

"Hey Daniel did you hear about that new girl coming to school?" Kay asked

"Oh yeah Maddy?" Daniel said

"Yeah I think that's her name" kay said as the bus pulled up

Christina and corbyn sat together. Tate and Jonah. Kay and eben since he had an open spot. And for some reason jack asked Gabbie to set by him. And lastly it was me and Daniel.

"Hey Zach you okay" Daniel asked me as I sat down

"Yeah why?" I said

"Well you seem kinda upset and you weren't a few seconds ago" he said patting my back

"I'm fine" I said

Jacks POV

"Hey Gabbie" I said as Gabbie sat by me

"Hey jack it feels liek forever since I last saw you" she said

"I know it's crazy how have you been" i asked

"How have I been How have you been I heard about what happened I'm sorry" she said

"Oh it was crazy but I remember everything so it's good" I said

"That's good" she said

"Yeah well you look good today" I said

"Aw thanks jack so do you" she said

"Well how was aspen? Was it cold" I said giggling

"Yeah it was great and no jack it was 10000°" she said laughing in a are you kidding tone

Zach's POV

I heard them laughing and giggling. I wonder what they are talking about. I mean jack used to have a crush on Gabbie but that was ages ago. And he liked me now right. Idk what to think. But they are bestfriends. They have been for awhile. I mean when Loren moves Gabbie was heartbroken and that's when jack and her became close. Besides Kay and me they are bestfriends.

"Hey what are you thinking about" Daniel asked me as we got off the bus

"Oh it's nothing" I said standing up

"Hmmm sure" he said

"Hey Zachary" jack said running up to me

"Oh hey jack" I said

"Hey you okay" he asked stopping me

"No not really" I said

"Hey it's okay" he said hugging me

"Let's hope so" I said pulling away from the hug as walked in school.

"Well what's ur locker number? Mines 375" jack said

"Mines 377" I said

"Hey mines 376" corbyn said waking up with Jonah and Daniel

"Mines 370" Daniel said

"Mines 373" Jonah said

"Hey mines 372" Tate said

"Mines 378" Chrissy said

"Mines 380" Gabbie said

"Mine 379" kay said

"Well all of us are right next to eachother mostly" i said laughing

"Yeah that's gonna go great" Jonah said

"Oops sorry" Daniel said helping a girl pick up her books.

"Oh it's okay let's hope it ain't an everyday thing considering our lockers are right next to eachother" a girl said

"Yeh. My names Daniel and them idiots laughing are my friends" Daniel said glaring at us

"My names maddy" maddy said

"Omg that's the new girl." Kay said and Gabbie Christina and Tate ran up and started questioning her

"Well this year is gonna go great" jack said

"Let's hope so" corbyn said

"Yeah" Jonah said

Well highschool started and there's a new girl. If y'all got any questions or anything I could add to the storyline please comment.

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