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In the last few chapters starting form junior year it was in August, and September mostly is what I was basing it on. So now it's December. That's why I put they are all doing good. —author

So it's now 1 week from Christmas. The gang is going up to the mountains for Christmas break. It's gonna be the best time they have. Everyone's been doing good considering no relationships have broke. And Zach and jack are super close. They are taking a plane up there so they get there faster.

Jacks POV

So we're about to leave for the airport. It's gonna be a lot of fun but I'm kinda scared and idk why.

*beeeep beeeeep*

Well that's the gang. Time to go. Btw we're taking a big van to the airport  (lol what)


Seating arrangement~
Front seats - Jonah - Daniel
Middle seats - maddy - Christina - Tate
Back seat- jack - Zach - corbyn

Jacks POV

"Hey guys" I said hopping into the back next to Zach.

There was a mix of heya and hi from everyone.

"Hey jack" Zach said smiling at me

"Hey Zach" I said smiling back at him.

"Hey guys everyone smile for the picture" Daniel said pointing his phone to were everyone was in it.

"Really Daniel" everyone said after he just laughed because it was a video.

"Sorry" he said laughing. He posted it and the caption was "this Christmas break is gonna be great" tagging all of us

"So u ready for the trip" I asked Zach

"Yeah. Besides having to share a room/bed with you" zach said

"Oh wow thanks Zach. Maybe I'll sleep on the couch" I said

"No no no I was kidding" he said and I laughed

"I know Zach don't worry" I said

(Time skip)
<air plane>

We're on the airplane and everyone is setting with their "lover" and then there's me and Zach.

"Hey Zach" I said

"Yeah what is it" he said

"Will you take a picture with me" I asked smiling

"Yes only if you take one with me too" he said and I nodded

"Yes only if you take one with me too" he said and I nodded

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       ❤️                       💬                     ✉️

@jackaverymusic "can't wait to hang out with this dude for a couple weeks" @imzachherron

@imzachherron-can't wait it's gonna be great

@seaveydaniel- oh I see u jack I see u

@corbynbesson- ooo😘

@beautychickee- 😘

@imzachherron- it's gonna be fun with this dude🥳🥳 @jackaverymusic

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@imzachherron- it's gonna be fun with this dude🥳🥳 @jackaverymusic

@jackaverymusic- 😘

@jonahmarais- me and corbyn see you zach we see you. @corbynbesson

@tatedoll- oooooo


Me and Zach took the pictures and posted them on Instagram before the plane took off. It was fun.

"Hey jack I'm sleeeepy" zach said

"That ain't new" I said

"Can I lay in your arm" he asked me

"Either way your going to so yeah I don't care zach" I said and smiled

"Thanks goodnight" he said before drifting off

"I really love you" I said barely over a whisper.

Zach's POV

I ended up trying to sleep on jacks arm. Right when I closed my eyes he said something that I think I understood 'I really love you' I don't think he knows I heard but I did. And I feel the same way. Im just scared to tell him I do. I know I said it before but times are different. We're older. And we've both changed.

(Time skip)
<getting off plane>

So we just got off the plane and got our luggage. We have to take 2 different Uber's too the cabin. Yes we're staying at a cabin, but it's huge.

Me jack Corbyn and Christina took one and then maddy Daniel Tate and Jonah took another.

"So y'all dating yet" Christina asked us

"What" I said

"You heard me Z don't act like you didn't" she said

"Why would you think that" jack asked

"Well when I got up to use the bathroom on the plane I saw you to cuddled up as much as possible sleeping" corbyn said

"Ohh um" I said. I honestly don't know what to say. Want to date him but idk what to do.

"Honestly were just bestfriends as much as it sucks we're just friends" jack said I know he didn't want to considering the ending of his sentence

"Oh yeah just friends. I know both of you want to be more. Your both to stubborn to admit it. I've known both of you forever so I can tell when you are lieing" Christina said

"Yeah I agree with Chrissy" corbyn said

"Well can we just drop it" i said

"Sure" they said

Jacks POV


Jack- hey Chrissy I need your help with something.

Chrissy- yeah what is it?

Jack- well....

Hope y'all enjoy this chapter.
Cliffhangers are great.

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