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Week 1 day 2

Jack woke up first the next morning. It was 8:00 am. He got out of bed making sure to not wake Zach up. He grabbed his phone of the nightstand and headed downstairs. When he got down there he saw that Christina was up. She was setting at the counter scrolling through her phone.

"Hey Christina" jack said setting next to her

"Oh hey Jack" she said looking over to him

"So you wanna talk about what I have planned" he asked her

"Yeah. Especially since we're the only ones up" she said

"Okay. Well I want to surprise Zach by setting something up for him" he said

"Okay that's nice. But what is the surprise for?" She asked

"I want to ask him to be my boyfriend again. But I want it to be special" he said

"Aww that's sweet. Maybe me, tate, and maddy can help with it." She said

"Yes of course that would be great" he said

"We can make it happen like 2 days before Christmas so y'all can have ur first Christmas together" she said

"Yessss. Omg it's gonna be amazing thank you so much Chrissy" jack said jumping up and hugging her

"Am I interrupting something" corbyn said walking down the stairs

"Umm Yes you are corbyn" Christina said jokingly

"Now can you leave we were in the middle of something corbyn" I said in the same tone as Christina

"Fine fine I'll leave"corbyn said turning around

"I love you babe" Christina said walking towards him

"I love you to baby" corbyn said kissing her

"And that's my que to leave" I said walking away laughing.

When I got back to my room zach was still asleep. I decided to take a shower while he was still asleep. So I did.

I got out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my waist. I walked back into the bedroom and went to grab my clothes. Zach was still sleeping how on earth I don't know. I changed into some black joggers and didn't feel like putting a shirt on so I laid back on the bed and got on Twitter.

"Jack" zach said

"Oh yeah zach" I said

"Just making sure your still here" he said with a small smile on his face

"Yeah Okay zach" I said and he out his arms back around me and his head back On my chest.

"Hey y'all wanna come back downstairs" Jonah said walking into our room

"Yeah once zach wakes up we will be down there" I said

"Oh okay. Daniel is gonna make pancakes since we all just woke up" Jonah said

"Alright sounds good. Be down soon." I said

"Okay" he said and walked out

"Zachyyy" I said

"Mhmm" Zach said

"You need to wake up we got to get down there" I said looking down at him

"I am up" I said looking up at me

"Come on zach you have to get out of bed" I said and tried pulling away from his grasp

"Noooo" he said and pulled tighter on my waist

𝕓𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤 - 𝕛𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕪Where stories live. Discover now