Part 10

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2 weeks later after Christina was done with detention and Gabbie was to. Kay went missing she hadn't been to school since that day the fight happened. And jack and Zach got way closer. Zach didn't go to school for a week after the fight. And then his mom took him out of town a week later so he didn't go for a little while. The principle was okay with it since he was still doing his school work just away from school. So Zach hadn't gone in 3 weeks

Jacks POV

I'm at my house since i just got out of school. I had basketball practice it's 2 weeks since the fight so Gabbie came back today she didn't get detention turned the principle talked to her again and suspended her. Zach comes back in a week. Which I can't wait.

(Time skip next day)
(dedicates to Daniels tooth gap)

At school

"Hey man" corbyn says walking up to me along with Christina

"Hey corbs. Hey Chrissy" I said

"So the hoe comes back today" Christina says glaring at Gabbie as she was at her locker

"Yeah I know I'm not excited at all" corbyn said

"Yeah and to think she used to be my bestfriend" I said kinda looking down

"Yeah I'm sorry dude" corbyn said

"It's fine it's not ur fault" I said

"Hey so have u heard the good news" Daniel said running up behind us

"What news" Christina says

"Tate and Jonah are finally dating" maddy says running up behind Dani

"No way yessss" Christina says

"Really!?!? That's great" I say

"Oh look here comes the power couple now" corbyn says as Tate and Jonah walk in hand in hand as everyone looks and whispers

"My man" corbyn says

"Congrats Tate" maddy says

"New it would happen eventually I mean y'all where practically already dating" Christina says

"Oh shut up Chrissy and be happy for them" I says jokingly

"Wait zach needs to knwo" Christina says since her and Zach are bestfriends

"Okay let's ft him hopefully he'll answer" Tate said and as they called he did answer rather quickly too

"Hey guys what's up" a sleepy Zach said

"Well first did u just wake up" maddy said

"Umm Yeah" he said laughing

"Okay that's great. But Tate and Jonah are dating" Christina says flipping the camera to them

"Heyy zach how are you" Tate says

"I'm good and congrats to u two" he says

"Oh and before you ask you boyfriend said he loved you but he had to get to class and thankfully or we would be here forever" Christina says

"Okay. When u see him tell him I love him too and I love all of you I'll be back next week!!" Zach says waving at them all

"Okay by Z love you too" Christina says before hanging up

"Okay well we better get to class" corbyn says as him and Christina hug before going to there classes

Tate and Christina go to math and Jonah and Daniel go to science and maddy and corbyn go too history. Jack was already in language arts which Gabbie was in that class.

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