Part 12

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So a couple months later Zach moved to Texas. His mom and did had a business trip and they had to move there for about a year. And after the breakup everyone stopped talking to jack because they where all on Zach's side.

Sophomore year, it's 2 months into the year and things are still the same no ones talking to jack he has quite all the sports he used to play with Zach when he moved. But he still done his passion skateboarding. He barely passed freshman year because he started failing all his classes so when sophomore year came he had to step his game up and try harder.

(Present day)
<first class>
<science class>

Jacks POV

I'm sitting in my desk in the back of the class in a corner. There's only one empty seat which is beside me. Think god no one has it. I have 0 friends which don't really bother me. I mean me and corbyn talk sometimes but that's rare. The only people in Science class is corbyn, Jonah, Daniel, Christina, Tate, and maddy. Yeah all the people who used to be my bestfriends are in this class.

Teacher- so today class we have a project. And before you say anything I already have pairs for you. And it's a solar sytem project.

"Great I hope I can be alone" I think to myself but I accidentally said it out loud.

Teacher- Mr. Avery u are not alone. Thankfully it you would have failed." Wow thanks now everything is Stairing at me.

"Hey sorry I'm late I forgot the class room number" a familiar voice said. Wait I know that voice.

Teacher- That's Okay Mr.Herron sit next to jack." Wait wtf no no no It can't be not now no.

"Zachary my man" corbyn says

"Zach why didn't u tell us your moving back" Christina said

"Because I wanted it to be a surprise" Zach said setting down next to me not even looking my way.

Teacher - so the pairs are corbyn and Jonah Daniel and eben and Christina and Tate and maddy and Lacey and Zach and jack.....

No she didn't she did not just say he's my partner no it can't be.

"So I guess were partners." Zach says looking at me.

"Yeah I guess so" I said

"Meet at my house later" he asked

"Yeah I guess same house?" I asked

"Yeah" zach said

And then class was over. It felt like it had just started.

(Time skip Bc this bitch is lazy)


Zach's POV

"Hey guys" I said sitting at my used to be table

"Hey Zachy we missed you a lot" Chrissy said

"I missed u a lot to Chrissy, especially our late night talks!" I said

"Aww zach me too" Christina said

"Dude it wasn't the same here without you" Daniel said

"Yeah it really wasn't Zach, jack has changed a lot" corbyn said

"Wait really he seemed the same ealrier" I said

"When was the last time you talked to him?" Jonah asked

"When we broke up" I said looking down. That thought of that day makes me upset

"Well u know after all of us closed him out with the exception of corbyn. He started failing his tests which you knew. But then when u moved he quit all his favorite sports. He doesn't talk to anymore except corbyn rarely. He skateboards all the time. Ditched school a lot. But this year he's atleast passing tests." Jonah's said

"Wait really" I asked

"Yeah he's broken" Tate said

"But don't blame yourself" maddy said

"Yeah well he deserves it" I said

"Guys seriously you can't hold that grudge over him forever. He didn't kiss the girl my god" corbyn said and stood up and walked it running into jack on his way out.

"Hey jack come with Me" I heard corbyn say to him

"Okay" Jack Said

"Guys what if jack actually didn't do it and he wasn't lying" I said

"Well I mean maybe we should Forgive him...or atleast talk to him" Jonah said

"Yeah when he comes back maybe I'll tlak to him. Or I'll talk to him when come over for the project." I said

Jacks POV
As I was walking into the lunch room corbyn ran into me and said he needed to talk. Which completely surprised me. So we walked to our lockers.

"Hey dude we need to fix u and Zach. Y'all need to become friends again" corbyn said and it bought back them memories so I teared up but wiped the tears away

"Idk corbyn i think that he still hates me. I knwo the others do" I said

"Well we're changing that your gonna set by me at lunch again for now on." Corbyn said dragging me to the lunchroom

"Okay" i said

Zach's POV
Corbyn drug jack back into the lunchroom and made him set by me. Wow okay then corbyn.

"Hey jack" I said smiling

"Hey dude. We missed you" Daniel said

"Yeah we did" Jonah said

"I did too" Chrissy and Tate said in sync and laughed

"Yeha I agreed maddy said

"Yea sure y'all did. That's why all of you stopped talking to me and left me out of everything. You saw me suffering and didn't care. I once broke down crying in front of you having a panic attack and all do you just walked away except corbyn. He's the only one that atleast kinda cared. So don't try saying you missed me idc anymore just drop it" jack said and everyone staired in shock

"Jack I'm sorry. I hope you forgive me. I hope we can be friends again." I said placing my hand on his thigh

"No zach I'm sorry. I sorry that you even had to second guess my trust. I broke it and I'm sorry." Jack said

"It's okay I forgive you too" I said and we hugged

(Time skip after school)

Jacks POV
I woke up and realized it was just a dream. Zach was still living in Texas and everyone still hated me but Corbyn. I still quit all my sports. But the only difference was it's junior year now and tomorrow was the first day. Thankfully I got my license over summer so I can drive wherever I want.


New text message.

???- hey so Iv been thinking
Jack- who is this??
???- dude how do you not know. Did u delete my number or something.
Jack- idk even know who you are and I got a new phone so
???- it's zach and I'm moving back. So don't talk to me when I move back Okay.

(Jack changed ??? To Zach)

Jack- yeah okay. I wasn't planning on it anyways.
Zach- oh yeah okay. Well ✌🏼
Jack- yeah bye.
(Convo over)

So Zach's moving back. Just great how amazing. Junior year is gonna he the best. Not.

Hope y'all liked it I've been thinking about this chapter and last chapter for a while. I knew as soon as started this book I wanted highschool like this. And I've gotten a lot of inspiration from some other books. But this next chapter and a few more are gonna be good I promise.

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