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So it's now May 1st

Jack gave me the promise ring almost 3 months ago. I still can't believe it.

On May 10th we graduate.

That means we have 10 days left together for school. Exactly 2 schools weeks left.

I think I may die of sadness when we graduate.

But right now I'm setting at our lunch table with my bestfriends.

"Guys" I said

"Yes babe" jack said

"What's up zach" Jonah said

"We only have 10 days left together" I said straying to cry

"Zachary don't cry we still have the pact. And we will see eachother on breaks, not to mention ft and text" Christina said

"And Zach hopefully we get accepted into NYU together and also Christina" jack said

"And me Jonah and tate will just be at UCLA hopefully so don't worry" Corbyns said

"And then I'll be at YALE and u get ft me anytime too" maddy said

"Guys I'm just scared of being without you all, I love you guys so much" I said

"Aww we love you Zachy" Tate said

After that we went back to class. We have already took the SATS so we don't have to worry about that. Which means we always have free time pretty much so we just skip class half the time.

"Hey you guys wanna go to the spot" jack asked

"Yeah let's go" corbyn said

We went to the spot and just talked about what might come in the near future.

(Time skip)

So today is our graduation.

We all got accepted into our dream colleges except maddy she didn't get to go to Yale but instead is going to NYU with us. She ain't sad about it.

But I'm less than 3 hours we will all be graduating. And then our life officially starts.

We will all be separated. Or atleast most of us. I have been without all of them in forever and I don't know how it will affect me.

(Time skip)

So we're at the graduation with our families and such. And right now I'm waiting for my name to be called.

Principal- corbyn Matthew besson.

Principal- Christina Marie harris

Principal- Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich

Principal- Tatum Dahl

Principal- Madeline "maddy" Miya

Principal- Jack Robert Avery

Principal- Zachary Dean Herron

And I walked up there and that's when it hit me my days as a highschool student are over. My days with my bestfriends going to this highschool are over. But they forgot one person....

Principal- Daniel James Seavey

And honestly I'm gonna miss Daniel. I think we all are. Will we ever talk to him again. Most likely but just not right now. Maybe when we're older. And we all forgive him. Until then he's just another person in our past. But he did get accepted into UCLA so Jonah or Tate or even corbyn will most likely see him.

(Time skip)
<the spot>

So we're all just setting her at the spot after graduation. It's pretty late but we're all leaving in less than a week to go to college. Well to atleast sign our self into our dorms then we have all summer. But most likely won't be spent all together.

"Guys" Christina said

"I'm going to miss everyone of you" Tate said

"Never lose touch" maddy said

"Don't forget the pact" jack said

"You guys are my life" corbyn said

"Don't do anything stupid to harm yourself" Jonah said

"Come here" I said

We all hugged and cried realizing this was our last day as a friend group at this school. Until our pact comes to be. In 5 years.

(Time skip)
<2 months later>
<leaving for college>

I'm at my house bout to drive off to New York along with jack maddy and Christina. We bought this big van we're going to use on our way. Our stuff that couldn't fit in the van or the trailer is being shipped by moving trucks.

"Me and corbyn said goodbye this morning him and Tate and Jonah are driving off later today." Christina said

"I'm sorry babe you'll see him soon" maddy said

"Yeah I know it's just I'll miss him" Christina said

"It'll be fine Chrissy let's just go and you can call him" jack said

"No I'll text him since he's prolly driving" Christina said

"Okay then let's go" I said and that's when our lives are gonna change forever.

College here we come.

So that's then end of bestfriends Guys hope you liked it. I'll be working on the sequel PACT soon.

𝕓𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤 - 𝕛𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕪Where stories live. Discover now