The Dream

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I was running. I could hear them chasing behind me, closing in. I tried to run faster, but it felt like like I was running through wet sand. The ground sucked at my shoes, slowing my retreat. I didn't know where I was running exactly, but I knew wherever I was headed was safe. 

Suddenly, claws gripped themselves around my throat, pulling me back. I stumbled and fell over. Unseen hands tore at my clothes while invisible faces leered over me, laughing menacingly. I struggled to get free, but couldn't escape. I was trapped. 

With a jolt, I woke up. Red light glowed through the slits in the blinds. I was in my own bed, in my own apartment. My heart was still pounding as I rubbed sleep from my eyes. 

Just a dream, I reminded myself. It was just a dream.

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