Past Lives

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Alastor was knocking on my door no less than thirty minutes later. I opened it, still in my ratty sweatpants and Red Hot Chili Peppers T-shirt. Of course, he was in his pristine red suit. As soon as I saw him, I wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. 

"Is everything okay?" He asked, hugging me back. 

"It's silly," I confessed, my voice muffled in his suit jacket, "But I had a bad dream." 

Coming inside and closing the door behind him, Alastor said, "No, it's not. Why don't you tell me about it?" Sitting down on the couch, I relayed the maze of unknown corridors and being chased while invisible hands groped for me. At the end of my nightmare, I was in tears. Alastor wrapped me back into his arms, and I snuggled close to him. His presence was a huge comfort, making my tears dry up. 

"(Y/N)," He asked slowly, "Will you tell me what happened to you?" 

I sat silent for a long moment. Reviling what my life was like on Earth and how I died was something I did not like to talk about. But Alastor had saved me from that disgusting demon in the alley, surely he had a right to know. 

Still cuddled in Alastor's arms, I took a deep breath and began, "When I was a sophomore in high school, I got bullied a lot. I wasn't a cheerleader or popular. I outcast. There was this senior, his name was Blake. He was the captain of the football team. For some reason, he was really nice to me. He told me that if I went out with him, he would keep people from bullying me."

"For the first few weeks, he was really sweet. He even kept the others from picking on me. But after a while, Blake started...pressuring me. I was only sixteen. I wasn't ready for sex. One night, we were at a football game, and Blake said he had something to show me. To be honest, I just thought he had some weed. wasn't that."

"He took me behind the school...and...and..." My voice trailed off. Looking down, I saw that my hands were shaking. Alastor didn't pressure me to finish my sentence. He just nodded knowingly. 

"Afterwords," I continued, "He told me he loved me and that's why he did what he did. After that, anytime he wanted a blowjob or sex, he just took what he wanted. At first, I didn't resist. I thought that was what love was. But then, I noticed that my friends didn't react like that with their boyfriends. So one night, at a basketball game, he pulled me behind the bleachers and told me to give him some head. I told him no, I didn't want to do that in public. Blake...he...he hit me. The bastard got his blowjob in the end."

"We stayed together until I was nineteen. I had gotten a job waiting tables. I had just gotten my acceptance letter to my dream college and was super excited about it. I was going to tell Blake about it. Stupid me thought he would support me."

"While I was at work, he had gone through my desk and found my letter. He came to my work fuming. He had screamed at me in front of the customers. When I told him I would talk to him at home, he...pulled a gun on me. I tried to talk him down, even offering to not go to college. But he wouldn't calm down. He kept screaming at me that I must be cheating on him and that if he couldn't have me, no one would. The next thing I remember was waking up here in Hell."

We both sat there for a really long moment in complete silence. Alastor just sat quietly, holding me tightly in his arms. I laid my head on his chest and listened to beat of his heart. No words needed to be said. It felt good to tell him the truth.

"If I ever find this Blake..." Alastor said quietly, "I will pull his spine out through his mouth and strangle him with it." 

What Lovers Do | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now