First Meeting

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"That'll be twenty three fifty." I rang up the twitching demon in front of me. Grumbling about the price, the tweaker slapped the exact change on the counter, grabbed his bag, and stomped out. Leaning against the counter, I sighed. I had been an upstanding citizen on Earth, volunteering on the weekends, only having the occasional glass of wine, always tipped the barista at Starbucks. Now I was working at a recreational drug store in Hell. Literal Hell. 

"I'm here! I'm here!" My coworker, Candy, burst through the door.

"Only three hours late," I said, glancing at the clock, "Now I'm going to get my ass chewed for going overtime for the third day in a row." Candy made a little sniffing noise, threw her purse behind the counter and plopped down on a wooden stool. I rolled my eyes,grabbed my own purse, and clocked out. 

The sky overhead was a bright red, lighting the grimy sidewalks and the equally grimy demons walking along it. I kept my eyes to the ground and quickly made my way to the tiny bookstore I visited about once a week. 

A tiny bell chimed overhead as I entered the dusty little bookstore. I waved to the grizzled demon stocking books before heading towards the back to the romance section. I had just finished my last book last night, so it was time for a new one. Scouring the shelves, I attempted to find something that would hopefully keep the nightmares at bay. 

About five minutes into my browsing, the bell chimed again. Out of curiosity, I glanced up to see who it was. Not many people came in here. Peeking through the gap in the shelves, I saw a tall, lean dear demon in a red suit speaking with the shop owner. He was asking about a book by some poet named James Russell Lowell. The shop keeper pointed over to a shelf and the deer demon went over to it. 

I stood there like a creeper watching him. He was quite handsome, almost like the duke from the Harlequin romance I had just finished reading last night. I was so absorbed in watching him, I didn't notice my hand knocking one of the larger, hard cover books to the floor until I heard the thud. In the quiet, the sound was magnified. The demon turned to see what the sound was and we locked eyes. A wide, Cheshire grin stretched across his face and I ducked. 

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! I thought, snatching at the book on the floor. Glancing at the cover, I saw that it was Fifty Shades of Grey. Rolling my eyes, I shoved the dumpster fire that had somehow managed to make it to print back on the shelf and pretended to be intently scanning the shelves, picking up one every now and then to read the back cover. 

"Hello, my dear." A smooth voice said, and I jumped turning to find the deer demon standing beside me. 

"Fuck!" I yelped, then attempted to recover, "O-oh sorry, hello. Sorry if I disturbed you, I dropped a book on accident." The demon's red gaze slid from my face to the book I was now holding against my chest. 

"The Highlander's Conquest..." He read the cover with a slight chuckle, "An interesting title..." Mortified, I looked down at the book I had randomly grabbed. A shirtless man and half naked woman were kissing on the cover. Turning beet red, I shoved the book back on shelf. My reaction only made him laugh.

"I'm Alastor, my dear. A pleasure to meet you." He said, holding out his hand for me to shake. 

"I'm (Y/N)," I replied, shaking his hand, "It's nice to meet you." My face was turning as red as a tomato. Not only was I talking to the handsome stranger I had been staring at just a moment ago, but now I was very well aware of how good he smelled. 

Taking my awkwardness in stride, Alastor said, "It was wonderful to meet you, I hope we will meet again." Then I watched as he sauntered away. Sighing, I felt like I just missed a huge opportunity. 

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