Blood Eagle

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*Warning! This chapter contains scenes of extreme graphic violence!*

All the next day I felt like a girl with a first time crush. Alastor had said he loved me for the first time. Every time I replayed the scene in my head, I caught myself grinning like an idiot. It had been a very long time since anyone had told me they loved me. 

Of course, there was a part of me that was very wary. Blake had told me he had loved me too. But Alastor was not Blake I reminded myself. They were complete polar opposites. 

I was so full of energy, I completely cleaned my tiny apartment from top to bottom. I wanted it to be spotless when Alastor came over tonight. He was taking me out for drinks. No sake though. 

When three o'clock rolled around, there was a knock on the door. Lost in my thoughts, I was so shocked, I dropped a glass I had been drying. It didn't break, but there was no a deep crack that made it unusable. Swearing under my breath, I put the glass in the sink and went to open the door. 

"Alastor!" I said, surprised. Alastor pulled me into his arms and gave me a quick kiss. He tasted like mint. 

"My dear," He replied, "I'm sorry for showing up early. I was on my way to the bookstore and thought you would like to go." I smiled and nodded. I was always up for a trip to a bookstore. 

Grabbing my jacket, I locked up my apartment and we went downstairs and outside. The bright red sky overhead lit our way. Demons of all sorts milled about, giving the radio demon and his girlfriend plenty of room. I was still getting used to demons respecting me when I was with him. Normally tweakers just yelled at me in the drug store because I wouldn't give them their fix for free. 

It came as a shock when a pale, sturdy built demon stepped in our path, reeking of cheep whiskey. Alastor trained his crimson gaze none too warmly on the rude man. 

"May I help you?" He said in a frosty voice, tucking me closer to him. 

"Would you look at that..." The strange demon said with a sneer, "The bitch found her a sugar daddy."

"Excuse me?" I said, taken aback. Who the hell was this person?

"Of course," The stranger turned back to Alastor, "She was always like a limp rag in the sack." Then it hit me. I knew that voice.

"Blake?" I whispered hoarsely. Alastor glanced at me, rage in his eyes.

"The Blake you told me about?" He asked, saying the words slowly. I nodded, feeling the blood drain out of my face. I could feel Alastor stiffen next to me, like a coil getting ready to snap.

"Don't worry about her mouth," Blake carried on, "Just smack her around a bit, she always straightens up. I find..." But he never finished his sentence. Alastor's clawed hand shot out, fingers wrapping themselves around Blake's throat. 

"I swore that if I ever found you I would strangle you with your own spine." Alastor growled like a feral animal. I watched with some satisfaction as what color there was in Blake's face drained away. 

"But," Alastor continued in that same dark voice, "That is too good for you." I wish I could say my stomach turned over in disgust, but actually it was quite the opposite. I wanted Blake to get everything that was coming to him. 

With his free hand, Alastor dug his claws into Blake's back. The pathetic demon's screams began to draw a crowd. Ten people gathered around to watch the gruesome scene unfold. Alastor's claws ripped open Blake's back, spraying blood all over his red suit and the sidewalk. I heard a demon behind me retch, but my eyes remained trained to what was happening in front of me. 

Alastor released Blake's throat, letting him fall to the ground on all fours. Moving behind him, Alastor's claws dove into his victim's exposed muscle and bone. Blake screamed again, hoarse and animalistic. With a vicious yank and the sound of cracking bone, Alastor pulled Blake's rib cage out into the open air. The exposed bone looked like skeletal wings. Then with another yank, he pulled his still moving lungs and stretched them over the ribs. They really did look like wings now. 

Covered in blood, Alastor turned back to me. He seemed to be asking me how to proceed. 

"He keeps a gun in the waistband of his pants." I said, my own voice as cold as ice. Alastor reached down and pulled the gun from it's hiding place. He held it out to me. I took the gun from his bloody hand, feeling the weight like solid justice. 

Placing the gun against Blake's head, I said tonelessly, "You were terrible in bed. You don't have a shred of kindness in you. And..." I paused for a second, "You took everything from me. Even this is too kind for you..." I pulled the trigger. Brains and bits of blood sprayed over me. Normally, I would vomit, but this felt long overdue. I tossed the gun on top of his lifeless body. 

"I should have done that a long time ago." I heard myself say, meaning every word of it. 

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