The Wife of the Radio Demon

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I stood in front of a mirror in the chapel's entrance hall. I looked like a demonic princess in my black and red wedding dress (pictured below). Never in my entire life did I think I would ever get married, much less married in a chapel in Hell of all places. The irony was almost too much. 

Taking a deep breath, I turned away from the mirror and walked toward the chapel church

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Taking a deep breath, I turned away from the mirror and walked toward the chapel church. Alastor was waiting for me in there. I resisted the urge to sprint down the isle, instead walking with dignity and as much grace as I could muster. I sent up a prayer that I wouldn't trip over the hem of my dress.

The pews were empty save the front two. A few witnesses were gathered to see the radio demon and his bride tie the knot. Everyone was watching me, but I only was aware of one person in the room. Alastor. I came to a stop before him and the officiant in black robes. 

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the bond of two souls becoming one." The officiant began. My eyes remained on Alastor, and his on mine. His Cheshire grin was spread across his face, like this was the happiest day in his life. 

The officiant's words slipped through me, but my mind snapped back into focus when it came time to say, "I do."

"Do you take this woman to be you lawfully wedded wife?" He asked, turning to Alastor. 

"I do." He said, his voice like honey.

"And do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He turned to me now. 

"I sure as hell do." I said with my own Cheshire smile. 

"Then by the powers invested in me," The officiant spread his arms wide, "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Alastor didn't need to be told twice. Wrapping me in his arms, his kissed me like it was the first time. Absolute joy bloomed in my chest, spreading through my entire body. 

It took me going through Hell on Earth to find my perfect soulmate in the most unlikely of places. I was now the wife of one of the most notorious demons in Hell. I didn't have to worry about the Blakes in the world anymore. I had finally found someone who loved me unconditionally, no matter how clumsy or awkward I was. No one could ever hurt me again.

I was the wife of the radio demon.

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