Bernard's Warning

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I woke up the next morning with a pleasant tingling throughout my body. Alastor, being the gentleman he was, did not stay the night. I had the day off, and planned on going out to buy Alastor his own copy of Memoirs of a Geisha as a thank you for our date last night. Remembering how the night ended, my cheeks flushed red. 

Just as I was finishing getting dressed in jeans and a plain black shirt for the day, there was a knock at the door. Curious, I opened the door to find a delivery demon. 

"Hey Jerry," I said, recognizing the frequent visitor to the drug store I worked at, "How was the Alaskan Thunder Fuck?"

"Best green in Hell." Jerry replied, handing me a small paper bag and coffee. I took them curiously. The delivery demon gave me a small wave and went on his way without another word. 

Confused, I took the bag and coffee inside and set them on my tiny kitchen table. Opening the bag, I found a blueberry muffin and a note.

Breakfast is on me.


I blushed and smiled like an idiot as I sipped my coffee. Raspberry Mocha, absolutely delicious. 

After the thoughtful breakfast Alastor had sent me, I grabbed my jacket and headed down to the book store. I inhaled the musty book scent as I entered the little shop. The little grizzled demon who ran it sat behind the counter, reading a giant antique book. 

"Bernard," I asked him, causing the demon to jump slightly, "Could you help me? I'm looking for a copy of Memoirs of a Geisha. Do you happen to have one?" 

"I do have one," Bernard said, bones cracking as he stood up and pulled a newer looking book with a beautiful geisha on the cover from the dusty shelf behind him. 

"Here it is," He said, handing it to me, "It's a wonderful read, have you read it yet?"

"Oh yes," I replied as I handed him some money, "I have a copy already. I'm just buying this one for a friend." 

"Oh?" Bernard was curious now, "A gentleman friend?" Blushing all over again, I nodded. 

"Who?" He continued. I had been a regular customer of his for quite a while now, so it wasn't a surprise to take an interest in a change in my life. 

"Alastor." I answered, "I actually met him here." At the mention of the name, Bernard grew serious.

"The Radio Demon?" He asked, peering at me. Alastor had called himself that once before...

"Uh, I guess?" I was uneasy now.

"You listen here," Bernard said seriously, pointing a crooked finger at me, "You should stay away from that demon. He's dangerous."

"How do you know that?" I asked, clutching the book to my chest. Alastor had always been so nice to me...

"He's drug down and destroyed more powerful demons than you and I will ever see." Bernard answered, "He is the flesh and blood manifestation of evil. He might smile at you and say pretty words, but once he tires of you he will dispose of you." I felt the blood drain out of my face. Who the hell was the man I kissed last night?

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