2. Getting to Camp Half-Blood

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(Play the song when asked. If you want.)
Disclaimer: I don't own Kamigami No Asobi or Percy Jackson(although I wish I did). I will probably be adding characters of my own, but I own the events.

   Remember when I said I was aching for a quest, I am starting to regret it.
   Yes, I did want an adventure, but not with the people I am working with.
   Along the way, I turned on the radio and heard my favorite song playing
(play song, I'll give you time.

" You have a beautiful voice Yui, " I heard someone say and in that instant, I remembered where I was.
"Thank you, Master Balder, " I replied politely.
"We will be arriving at camp in about 10 minutes masters."No one talked for the rest of the ride.
Once we were in front of the barrier I told the gods, " Masters, you may get off and enter camp. I will be with you as soon as possible."
Everyone got out, and I parked the truck next to the lake at the edge of the barrier next to Poseidon's Cabin. As soon as I got off the truck, I was surrounded by campers.
"Miss Belle, we missed you!"
"Miss Belle, welcome."
"Miss Kusanagi, greetings"
"It hasn't been the same without you, Miss Belle."
"May we take your luggage, Miss Belle?"
"Well, okay, " in a flash the luggage I was carrying was taken out of my hands and taken by the young Demigods.
"Kids" I chuckled, as they walked away with my bags.
"Hey, Lily!" I called, a young 10-year-old, who was by the Big House(my character).
"Yes, Miss Belle?" She answered.
"Do you know where I can find Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Mike?" ( Mike is my character)
"Percy and Annabeth are at the bottom of the lake, Grover is on a mission, and Mike is with Chiron."
"Thank you, Lily." I hand her a cookie.
"Thank you Miss Belle" she hugs my feet and leaves with a very happy expression.
Now to find the gods and get them settled in.
I find the gods hanging out around near the lake.
I run to the edge of the hill (similar to the one Balder falls off in the anime) and jump off, surprising the gods, and drop to the water, in search for my half-brother.
I found him and Annabeth having a conversation with an air bubble around them. Annabeth is the first to notice me. I put my finger to my mouth, signaling her to not say anything.
As soon as I am in arm range from Percy, I launch myself at him, wrapping my arms and legs around his neck and waist. He screams very high pitched. Annabeth and I grab both of his arms and together pull him towards the surface.
Meanwhile on the surface.
After the little jump Yui made, the gods were getting worried and very anxious.
"I don't see her," Apollon said.
"Fine, I'll go after her." Takeru offered. 
But as soon as he finished his sentence, 3 heads popped out of the waters surprising the gods.
As soon as I popped my head out of the surface Annabeth and I started laughing.
"BELLE!!!!!" Percy exclaimed once he realized who was next to him.
"Hello dear brother, I smiled at him before getting in a group hug with perch, Annabeth, and Mike, who recognized me from across the lake.
" WE MISSED YOU, BELLE!!" They all exclaimed.
"Belle?" The gods asked.
"My full name is Yui Belle Hope Kusanagi, Masters," I tell them as we all separate from the hug.
"It is time for dinner, Belle and Masters, will you follow us to the campfire," Annabeth says as she turns around not waiting for an answer.
"Let's go, Belle." Percy pulls me by the arm towards the campfire, while the gods follow us, not saying anything.
We make our way to Poseidon's Table, Annabeth goes to Athena's table and the gods go to a special table with Chiron. We give our offering to the gods and eat until a strong voice, everyone at camp recognizes, is heard.
"Welcome to another summer at Camp Half-Blood. Before we enjoy the rest of the feast, there are some things I want to point out. First, the new armor that was made over the school year has arrived so in the morning you will be able to get it from the blacksmith. Second, we are  being joined by 8 gods from the mythologies, please introduce yourselves, Masters." Chiron announced.

"I am Balder, the Norse God of light. Pleased to meet you."

"Thor, Nose God of Thunder."

"I'm Loki, the Norse God of Trickery and Fire."

"Hades, Greek God of the Underworld."

"I am Dionysus, the Greek God of Fertility and Wine."

"I am Apollon, the Greek God of the Sun."

"Hades, Greek God of the Underworld."

"Dionysus, the Greek God of Fertility and Wine."

"I am Tsukito, the Japanese God of the sea's."

While the gods introduced themselves you could hear whispers and gasps throughout the campfire, around the god's names. Apollon has a Cabin here. As well as Hades, and Dionysus. They all had children, so of course, their kids would wonder what their fathers were doing here.

Chiron stopped the conversations and said," The gods will be joining the camp for as long as they want, so please make them feel at home. Lastly, we also have another special guest. We can all remember the hero who saved Camp Half-Blood more times than we can count," everyone either nods or says 'yes', " Well, it turns out that she is back with the gods and has a mission from the King of the Gods. Welcome back, Hope."

As soon as he finished talking, I was surrounded by campers, males and females. 

"Miss Hope, you're back!"

"We are so glad you are here, Miss Hope."

"Is it true you are a child of the Big Three?"

"Are you really gonna save the world?"

(In this fanfiction, I will be following the Percy Jackson version of Greek Mythology. So, Yui, Percy,  Nico, and Bianca are the only children of the Big Three. If you haven't read the books, then you may wanna read those before you read this fanfic because there will be a lot of spoilers from the books.)

I responded with," thank you. I am glad to be here as well. I am a child of the 'Big Three' and this is a miniature mission. I'm not gonna save the entire world."

With the Gods

Takeru was the first to point out, " Weed is really famous among these people, isn't she? Everyone responded with a 'yes' or a nod.

With Yui

"Okay everyone, give our hero some space. You will all see her at training tomorrow, and you can ask her all of your questions later, now everyone back to your tables." Chiron ordered.

"Now, enjoy the feast." Chiron finished, as he sat down next to the gods.

Everyone enjoyed the rest of the feast. At the end of it, I walked towards the gods," Masters, you will be staying with my brother and me." I turned around and made my way to the cottage I owned at the edge of the barrier.

"Hey, sis, will we be staying in Poseidon's Cabin or yours," Percy asked.

"In my own, there is more space there and I need to get away from all of the campers, you should know what I am talking about Pierce," I tell my half-brother, next to me, looking at the moon in front of me.

"Yeah, you're right." He agrees with me, looking at the woods, next to the lake by Poseidon's Cabin.

As soon as we reached a clearing, I stopped walking, " we are here, Masters," I told them, not looking at them behind me.

'But, there's nothing here." Dionysus says.

Right after he said that the mansion-like cottage appeared.

"Yes, because I hide it with my powers, and only I know the spell to make the cottage appear," I told them.

I made my way inside with my brother and Percy trailing behind me.

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