9. The Great Prophecy/ Revealing Time

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Well here is chapter 9, hopefully, I don't have too many mistakes 😅 

Tutskito was the first one to talk, " Kusanagi we have a mission. Now is not the time for playful banter." He says, putting away his notes. 

"Brother is right Weed. Get over here and stop playing around, " Takeru said. 

Apollon POV 

There was a sudden flash of light, not bright enough to sear your eyes, but enough to make you notice it. There, before us, was the Oracle of Delphi. She only seems to come out when a quest needs to happen, to save the gods. 

A shallow, raspy voice pulls us all out of our thoughts, " young gods, your mission will be impossible without help, " it says with certain sweetness, " and your friend is the only one who can help you." 

"Wait, what mission?" someone in the group says, no one really paying attention to who. 

Her eyes begin to glow and we all know what that means: a prophecy. 

9 shall go west to the goddess in vain 

1 shall be left in the land without rain 

the bane of Olympus shows the trail 

gods and monsters combined prevail 

the titan's curse must one withstand 

and one shall fail by a parents hand 

And at once we all knew...

Yui POV 

As soon as I heard the prophecy I re-appeared beside Apollon.

" Well, this is a dramatic turn of events, " I say facing them with their worried faces.

" what did she mean by all of what it said, " Dionysus asks still staring out at the vast sea water.

" it, and what it said was a prophecy about our journey, " I say not looking at them.

"what do you mean?" hades asks

"I mean that to find the Sword of the Clouds we have to go on a quest, meaning that the sword is not at camp and never was. " I explain turning around and looking in the opposite direction.

" can you explain the entire prophecy to us, I don't think I understood it all, and you seem to understand. " Takeru asks looking slightly embarrassed.

I laugh slightly at him and say " I can't, Because the prophecy is meant to be understood at the end of the quest. 

The answers will be clear once we finish the quest, if we do," I whispered  the last part, but it was clear everyone heard. 

" Well now that we have a quest my visit to Poseidon will have to wait. " I say with a bitter smile, looking at takeru specifically, seeing as he knows the most about my situation. 

Loki is the one to break the silence after my comment left them all speechless, " Well let's go!" He exclaims and starts walking towards the cliff next to the lake.

My voice stops him, " Loki it is not that simple, if we suddenly all leave from the camp, campers will suspect that something is wrong and that will surely cause panic, we need to ask Chiron for a quest and if he grants it, then we can leave. "

" How hard can it be to get quest from Chiron? " Dionysus asks.

I smirk at him and say, " oh, with great difficulty, " they all look at me as if I'm mad.

I explain, " Chiron does not allow any quests during the festivities now that I'm back, he is not gonna allow me to leave, the last time I was here was 7 years ago because I was busy on a project," I finish looking slightly nervous.

Loki is the one to speak next, " what were you doing that was so important, that you weren't here for 7 months? " he asks.

By now all the gods were looking at me and it was making me nervous.

" It doesn't matter where I was, what matter is that I wasn't here, " I say looking at the ground and subconsciously putting my hand on my wrist where all my secrets lie.

" Kusanagi Yui is hiding something from us," Tsukito pointed out.

Loki spoke next, " Yea, kitten what's wrong?" Everyone was expecting an answer but thankfully my brother saved the day once again. 

" Hey guys I was wondering where you disappeared to. " Percy said looking from me to the gods. 

" Did I miss something?" he asked looking at our expressions. 

I was the first to respond, I said, " nothing Percy, let's go.

I swam up to the surface. The gods soon followed and trailed behind me as I made my way to the Big House, where Chiron was losing to Mr. T at Pinochle. 

As soon as we were all in front of them, they stopped playing and looked at us, "my lords, what may we do in your service " Chiron asks, bowing slightly in his wheelchair.

None of the gods said anything and looked at their shoes.

" We require a quest " I said firmly at chiron. 

"Not gonna happen," said Mr. T, before chugging down an entire soda can in 3 seconds.

"If I may be as polite as to ask, why not" I ask looking at both of them, with confusion in my eyes, but a straight face.

"The last time you went on a quest, the camp was nearly destroyed. " Chiron says looking down at his abandoned soda can. 

The gods all wore confused expressions. I knew what they were all thinking. They all wanted to know what I was doing those 7 months I was away. 

"I know it was a difficult time, but we lost no heroes that time, and this mission is really important to the gods." I say looking back at the gods.

"I am sorry Hope, but without the spirit of Delphi here to give you a prophecy of your quest, no one can leave." Chiron says, looking sorry. 

"Wait, what do you mean the spirit of Delphi is no longer here, " Apollon asks, looking at Chiron, Mr. T, and me.

Well, it's going to end here. Next Chapter will be out soon. 

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