11. No Lies

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There was already a lot said this night, but I knew that the gods would not rest until they knew the rest of the story, my story. 

There was so much I wanted to say, yet there's one reason I wouldn't say any of it unless they figured it out. This is one of those times where I wished I had hidden that mark. 

That mark that caused so much suffering in my life. Not just in my life, but in so many other lives as well. 

As soon as the gods saw the mark I knew that I had to tell them. I had to tell them everything. 

Maybe once they knew they would understand more the person I am now, instead of clinging to the faith that the person they knew and cared about in the academy was still me. 

I wouldn't even fool myself into thinking that she is going to come back. I can't hurt them by giving them hope that I would be able to go back to who I was before all of this mess happened.

As I sit in my chair, waiting for the gods to process what I had told them, I wonder if they even believe me.  Especially Apollon, Dionysus, and Hades, who were all related to Poseidon, and who had a strong connection to him. 

Someone talking pulls me back to the present. It was Takeru. 

"How did Zeus never find out about what Poseidon did? And who's the 'he' you mentioned." 

I answer with a grim face, " Zeus never found out, I was sworn by the river Lethe to never say anything to him, I carry that burden everyday. 

The one person who could do something against Poseidon, but I can't tell him." 

"Then how come you can tell us," Takeru asks. 

"Poseidon didn't know about our time in the Academy, so he didn't really know I would tell you guys, the oath only included Zeus. " I said, looking down at my lap. 

" I'm sorry guys, but I can't stand to hear more of this" I didn't even need to look up to know who said that and walked out the door, Apollon. 

I held my head down as everyone looked at the closed door then back at me. 

I waited a few moments before I spoke, " I know that many of this seems unbelievable  but I have nothing to gain from lying to you." 

No one said anything for a long time. 

I heard someone get up and walk towards me, I didn't even raise my head. Yet I never expected what happened next.  

A slap was heard throughout the entire room, no one moved, no one even breathed. 

I held my hand to my right cheek, where the red mark began to appear. 

I looked down at their shoes and I instantly knew who they were and why. 

"Dionysus" I said, not with hate in my voice, but with regret. 

He spoke with such hatred in his voice that I fear he was an entire different person, "no, you do not get to speak, even after you speak such lies about my uncle, about my family. 

You are nothing but a demigod, you have no right to disrespect us gods this way. 

 I am not going to stay in this room any longer."  

He made his way to the open window and jumped outside. Bright purple encases his body as he teleports out of thin air. 

There is a deadly siience as everyone sees him leave, how no one stops him. 

I look towards Hades, his uncle, who has the most regret in his eyes. 

I can see it in his eyes, how he knows that every word I just said is true. 

"You saw them Hades. You know I speak no lie." I said, looking at his red eyes filled with sadness.  Hades knows who I refer to. 

He saw the spirits of all those who were tortured by Poseidon's guards, he saw their suffering, he knew their pain, as well as mine. 

He said nothing as he came to my side.  He stood still for a while, as if contemplating what to do. 

When he finally spoke he said, "I will bring him back before problems start" he disappeared as soon as he finished speaking. 

Everyone else had nothing to say.

 One by one they all went back to their rooms, knowing that tomorrow and the days to come would not be a pleasant experience, even for them. 

Chapter 11 is out. Expect chapter 12 in the next few days or in 2 weeks. Bye!  

We all made our way to our rooms, until I saw that Takeru was still in the living room.
I have decided on the pairing for this fanfic. I don't read enough TakeruxYui fanfictions, so my first one will be it. If you don't like the ship, that's okay, I have a fair number of friends that do, I respect people's opinions, but don't say anything about mine. There will be a few interactions between them, but nothing major, I AM NOT WRITING SMUT OR LEMON, so don't get your hopes up. I will have a few cheesy things throughout the story so keep staying tuned.
"Takeru are you okay, " I ask walking up to him from behind. He kept his head down until I put my hand on his arm. That seem to get him out of his trance. He looked at me with sad eyes. I looked back at him and our eyes me, and it was as if we were connected in that instant. He slowly put his hand on my cheek and I leaned into it, closing my eyes. I felt him put his hand around my waist and I opened my eyes. He pulled me closer until we were touching noses. I saw him look down at my lips and I looked at his. We both leaned in at the same time and our lips were connected. It felt like fireworks. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he pulled me closer(as is that was even possible). We separated and we were both out of breath. Neither of us spoke while we were trying to catch our breaths, finally when my voice seems to want to work for me I said," Can we keep this a secret for now?" I look at him

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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