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As soon as Chiron dropped the flag, you could hear swords and shields clashing against each other and campers using all kinds of weapons to "defeat" each other.

The gods watched as I fought 3 campers at once and I won, making my way to the heart of the "battlefield" to another camper.

With the Gods

"Guys, I'm getting worried, that girl with blonde hair is getting awfully close to weed," Takeru said.

"Masters, do not worry, Belle is more than capable of taking care of herself, she is not the best camper in out history for nothing," Chiron, said, looking out at the field filled with his students.

"I have been meaning to ask you something Chiron," Hades  suddenly spoke up, looking out at the lake that is at the border of the camp.

"Anything Master Hades," Chiron said, looking at where Hades was watching.

"Do you know why Poseidon hasn't claimed Yui as his daughter," Hades asked, not looking at Chiron.

"Oh, I see, has Belle told you her story?" the gods all nodded.

"Well, first is first Masters, you will have to swear on the River Styx that you will not tell Belle until the time comes for her to find out or anyone else," Chiron said, looking at each of the gods in the eye.

"We promise on the River Styx ," the gods say in union.

"Well, you see Masters, as I presume Belle told you, Poseidon tried to kill her as a baby and how she grew up in the wilderness until Zeus took her in as his own," they all nodded," Poseidon told me that he didn't regret that and that Percy was his favorite child, not that that mattered to Yui. He was afraid of the child being quarter monster and thought she would die in the wild when he disposed of Belle, but when he saw that she was alive he sent monsters from the sky and the sea's. Belle always found a way to defeat the monsters which made her into a hero at camp. Zeus was growing hateful towards Poseidon due to him invading and commanding monsters from his territory. Poseidon was so angry at Yui for not dying, that he tried to flood the camp, but he was unsuccessful, due to the barrier. On the other hand, Poseidon did succeed in destroying the nearest village, which was essential to the camp. That was the final straw for Zeus. Zeus fought Poseidon, which was a great show for the rest of the gods of Olympus, until Poseidon gave up and decided he would stop trying to harm Yui. After Perseus killed Medusa, he brought back the head to Poseidon and Poseidon asked to keep it, telling Zeus he would protect it, so it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands, Zeus agreed. He kept it ever since it came into his hands. He sent Hermes with a package to send to Belle with Medusa's head in it. When Hermes delivered it and with belle, opened the box, they were both furious. Hermes because Poseidon tricked him into delivering it and anyone would be furious and devastated to find their mother's head in a box delivered to you. Hermes went to Olympus and showed Zeus what Poseidon did. Zeus thought it was enough and tried to talk to Poseidon for him to meet Belle, but he refused." Chiron explained.

"So, they are never gonna meet," Hades asked.

"Actually, belle is going to be taken to Olympus tomorrow to meet Poseidon and try to talk to him," Chiron says, as he sees Belle shooting arrows at various campers.

"I just hope he won't harm Belle, she is too important to the camp, and to all of us." Chiron says, with sad eyes.

"Yes, let's hope he doesn't, my brother can do a lot of damage," Hades said, looking in Belle's direction.

Yui's POV

As soon as the gods stopped talking about me, assuming it's me because they kept looking in my direction, I began making my way to the forest, to find a good hiding spot.

As soon I reached the first tree, an arrow was shot at my arm and I only grunted in response.

I turned around, looked at the gods with a smile on my face telling them I was fine, and I looked forward.

Everyone has their enemies, you can't expect to be liked by everyone, and so mine was Cerise. There is always sad backstory of friends who turned into enemies, which really isn't our case. She never really liked me. I never found out why. I had tried to get her to tell me, but it always ended in a fight between us, either sword or fists, so I eventually stopped trying.

"Pleased to see you haven't lost your edge Cerise," I said, holding my arm.

"Well, you won't be pleased that I have gotten better at swordplay," she said, approaching me with a sword in her left hand.

"Well, I am pleased to say that you aren't the only one who has improved their skills," I say, pulling out my sword.

"I will beat you this time," She said, getting into position.

"Yeah, that's what you said last time, you ended up on the floor and your sword needed to be replaced," I say with a small smirk on my face.

I could tell that she was getting angry, and angry can be dangerous sometimes, especially in a person like Cerise.

"Ugh, let's finish this once and for all."

"If I beat you, you will leave me alone , and you will owe me a favor, however, if you beat me, I will be your servant for the entire summer." I finish, taking off my helmet. (the favor will come in handy later on in the story)

"You are on Belle," She says, taking off her helmet as well.

Everyone had already been out and the winner between the two would be the winner of the entire battle.

"I will enjoy this, for once I will be the star," Cerise said, while we were circling each other, trying to find a weak spot.

"Or not," I said, adjusting my grip on my sword.

"Enough talking!" she launched herself at me and I easily stepped out of the way, hitting her sword, knocking it out of her hand.

"Too slow Cerise," I said taking her sword from the ground.

I attacked her with both swords in my hands, she had a spare sword that she grabbed from her belt, one that I didn't notice until now. Our swords clashed against each other, trying to injure each other,  I threw Cerise's sword away, seeing as it was easier to fight her with one. This fight took over 20 minutes, we managed to make it to the lake, somehow. Cerise had managed to land a swing at my arm, cutting me. I fell on my back, holding my arm, with her sword at my neck.

"Who's too slow now Belle," She says, as I get out of her grip and start to crawl towards the lake.

When I made it to the water, I let it crawl up my arm to my shoulder where Cerise had shot me with the arrow. My minor injuries were fixed and I got onto my feet.

"Not so fast Cerise, I won't lose to you that easily," by now, everyone who had been injured has recovered and was now watching us fight.

"Come on Cerise, don't let her beat you again!"

"Beat her ass, Belle!"

"You are the best Belle!"

"Cerise you better win this time!"

The cheers went on until we started to fight using all the strength we had left. I ended  up knocking her sword out of her hand and into the lake. I put my sword to her throat, where she surrendered. " I win" I said, as I put my sword in my belt and I began to walk towards Chiron and the gods, who looked shocked.

"Fairy, that was amazing!" Apollon exclaimed.

"Yeah, Weed, where did you learn to fight like that," Takeru asked.

" I had a great teacher," I said, as I looked up at Chiron.

"Chiron, you trained her," Takeru asked.

"Yes, although she has the talent to do anything.

"Thank you Chiron," I said.

"Now with that, the winner, BELLE!" Chiron announced to the entire camp.

Cheers and applause's came after that.

Hope you guys enjoyed, I'm obviously on Summer break right now, so I'm gonna update every week, if I can. BYE GUYS!!

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