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As soon as I got inside the cottage, I was surprised by Apollon. He would be going around the cottage saying that this place is cool and asking when I got it, but instead he was standing in front of the chimney with a frown on his face.

"Master Apollon is something wrong? Do you not like the cottage, if you don't I can take you back to my father's cabin, " I stated bluntly.

"Enough with the 'Master' thing weed," Takeru said, with his head down.

"Perce, can you leave us for a second," I turned to him.

"Of course, Sister, " he leaves.

"Why do you guys not want me to call you 'master' " I asked.

"It feels weird," Takeru answered

"And why would it feel weird?"I ask.

"Because we are friends Weed! Did what happen at the Academy mean nothing to you?! " Takeru  shouted and everyone seemed to agree with what he was saying.

"I could ask you the same question," everyone pulled their heads up in confusion.

"I can't take a hint. I was so dense. I didn't deserve to go to the Academy," tears started to flow down my cheeks, " it hurt what you said about me to Poseidon, Athena, and Zeus." 

"What are you talking about Weed? We haven't talked to Zeus since we left the Academy, and we never socialize with the Gods of Olympus, why would you ever think we would say things like that about you?" Takeru says, looking me straight in the eye, almost as if he expects the truth to be hidden behind by blue orbs.

(I know in the anime, her eyes are brown, but in this story, she has a whole different appearance. I will leave it up to you on how she looks.Most people have a better imagination that me.)

"I saw it in one of my dreams. You were all standing next to each other on a platform in front of Poseidon, Zeus, and Athena, "

"Why would you trust your dream," Dionysus asked.

"My dreams reveal what will happen or what has already happened that is important to remember for the future."

"Who gave you that power," Hades asked.

"No one, I have had it since birth," I responded.

Silence came after I finished answering, no one dared to say a word, until Takeru broke the silence.

"Weed, we would never say anything like that about you. It was Poseidon saying those things about you and we stopped him from insulting your name. We didn't agree with what he was saying about you," Takeru said and at once I realized I had been fooled by my own father (her father can alter her dreams since they come from him)

"You guys mean it, " I asked, still questioning if they were telling the truth or not.

"Of course Weed, as I said, we are friend, we'll always be there for each other," Takeru finished talking, and looked at me.

I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his waist while saying," I am so sorry guys, I should have trusted our friendship and asked Zeus if I could see you, to talk it out, but instead I let my anger take over, I am so sorry guys, " I clung onto Takeru's shirt and dried my eyes.

"No, we are sorry Weed. We should have thought it would have affected you and we should have asked Zeus to let us see you to talk it out, we're sorry Weed, " Takeru says, while he hugged me around my shoulders.

All of the other gods were jealous of Takeru, but they couldn't stay jealous for long seeing Yui in tears.

"Thank you guys," I said, removing myself from Takeru's warm embrace.

Apollon all of a sudden asked, " now that we are okay, there is something I want to ask you."

"Yes, Apollon," Yui asked.

"Why didn't you tell us about you being a demigod?"

Yui's smile became a frown.

"I am sorry for hiding that from you, but Zeus said that I had to keep it a secret until the time was right to tell you, I really wanted to tell you, but Zeus forbade me from it, " Yui looked as if she was about to start crying again.

"It's okay Fairy. Second question: why do so many people here know you," Apollon asked.

"I would love to answer all of your questions, but right now we have to sleep and you will need your strength, seeing as you are human right now." I said.

"You won't call us 'Master', right, " Takeru asked.

"Not in private, but in public I will okay, " I asked them.

"Okay!" Everyone answered.

"Now, PERCY!!!!!" I screamed.

"Everyone has their own separate room, with your name and symbol on it, they are all on the second floor," I told them, signaling them to go. "Now go to sleep, I will see you guys in the morning," I say, as they all make their way up the stairs.

"Goodnight Brother, " I say to Percy, as I climb up the stairway on the other side of the room to my room.

"Goodnight Sis, " Percy says, as he turns off the light in the living room.

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