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I'm so confused.
I'm starting to panic.
Is it something I did is it something I said?

What's wrong with me.

I try to be stable.
I try to be nice.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I'm a terrible person.
I probably deserve this.

Soon enough the tears will start rolling down my face because I am in such a blind panic that all I'm able to do is cry.

She said she's not mad at me I think.
If she's not mad at me then what else is there?
It hurts behind my eyes.
My arms start to itch and I just keep scratching.

I talk to myself.
I say I deserve to be punished.
I need to be punished.

I scratch more and more and more.

My heart wants to die.
My brain wants to be punished.
My soul is gone.

I feel so scared.

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