1• New guy

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Turns out it isn't discontinued.
God what's wrong with me?

This book is really cringe worthy and i'm not gonna fix it.

"Mornin' class" the teacher greeted us with her famous smiles "a new student has joined us. Please mr. Lee, sit next to l/n..." I wasnt paying attention but I knew the girls screamed out something. I heard the chair next to me been pulled by a huge hand. I didnt care. I was busy reading my book. I saw a hand by the side of my shoulders hang in the air. I looked up and saw adorable hazel eyes and a cute smile, looking down at me. He looked familiar. I know who he is. Its Lee Minho. The Lee Know from the famous band STRAY KIDS.

"Hey. Im Lee Minho" he said. I shook his hand.
"Y/n L/n.. not a fan sorry" i said, smiling sarcastically.
"A-ah! Its ok"
"Yea. Thanks for disturbing me from reading btw" I frowned at him this time.
"S-sorry!" Minho bowed at me.
Everyone whispered in my class and gave me a glare. I didnt saw but I felt a 'y/n you bitch' air pass through me.

Time skipped to lunch»»»»»»»»

I was reading my book in my classroom. lee Minho was sitting on the chair beside me. A lot of girls surrounded him. A lot of questions being questioned and a lot of answers being answered by Minho.
As I turn to the next page of my book, Nari held me by my arm and pulled me out the classroom to the back of the school. Let me tell you a little things about Nari and me. We were classmates in kindergarten and middleschool. She bullied me alot. But I didnt seem to care. She has a lot of bitch friends just like her.

She pushed me and I hardly hit the wall and fell on the ground. I was only irritated because I left my book in the classroom. "You slut! Why were you talking to Minho like that? You stupid idiot! You dont know that hes popular dont you?!" I stood up and gave them a devil smile "If I talk to him nicely, you'll bully me oth erwise." She flinched "Oh and you pulled me out here just to ask me that? He's only human. Just like us. Nothing special about it" she gets easily annoyed. She grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled her hands up to punch me. Shit . I closed my eyes. I didnt regret what I said though.. I held my breath in.


I slowly opened my eyes. What I saw was unbelievable. I was surprised. I never expected it. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw Minho grabbing the hands of Nari just like in the movies. Nari was shaking and her 'friends' already left her.

"Let go of her!" Minho said. "O-ok.." Nari released me.
"If you ever try to hurt y/n again, I wont let you go that easy" My eyes widen. My heart pumped so loud. Nari ran, not even looking back. Minho turned to me, looking really concerned. " are you ok? Are you hurt?" I stepped infront and fixed my shirt."yep. I didnt need you help. Im used to it so-" Minho suddenly spoke that I never got to finish my sentence "they do this alot? So Your not ok" I looked back at him. I stared at his concerned, hazel eyes. "Shut the hell up. You dont know me. And I dont know you either so can you just shut your damn pretty mouth? Your basically just a new guy so dont act all innocent just because your a stupid Idol-kpop-shit!" I didnt meant to say that... I really dont. He widen his eyes and looked down sadly.
"Im... sorry" he told me.
"Dont be" i said as I scratch my neck.

"I dont mean it...Just... Dont get in my way again" I told him and he looked at me and nodded. I sighed and walked away. Theres something in Minho that I cant understand.


3 days later...

After that day,Minho talked to me nonstop. I just talk back. He stays with me in the classroom at lunch and sometimes even buy me food without telling me because he knows I dont eat at lunch. He's sweet but I never like him.

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