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<Tuesday night>

Its the second day of the week and guess where I am...
Im in Mr. Dong's bar... Again.
This time, Minho and the guys dared me to sing on the stage.
I became more close to them.

I stood behind the curtains, peeping through as I watch the woman sing and dance. She's got an amazing voice not like mine. Welp, I don't know. I haven't heard them yet.

The people shouted and cheered with claps over it when the woman finished off. She exits by walking down the stairs.

This is it...

I got myself ready. I fixed my hair, fixed my dress and I drank water. This wont be hard.... Maybe.. Just believe I guess.

The curtains opened when the person talking said so. I stood behind it, gripping onto my mic.

I stepped in front nice and confidently. The people concentrated and held their glass.

"Evening everyone!," I said while I hear Chan and Minho say "Claridia" And the others shouting.
"My name is Claridia and I'll be singing 'bbibbi' by IU!"

Hyunjin made that name for me. Claridia. But I liked it.

The crowds cheered and listened to my voice. They started chanting  Claridia over and over. I bet they loved my me. The feeling is really refreshing. I enjoy it. Listening to the crowd made my spirits rose. Im gonna get used to this.

As I finish up the last sentence of the song, I spotted Minho, looking up to me with his huge beautiful smile. I can only hear his loud voice cheering. Well, everyone is but his is more louder. I never seen him like that. It makes my heart beat so fast. Why am I happy standing infront?

Is it because of the people cheering?
Or is it Minho?

I bowed down and showed them a smile. "Thank you everyone! Im very flattered. See you next time!"

I went down the stairs and wiped my sweat away.

Minho and the others came running to me very excited.
"Wow Y/N that was awesome! I didn't know you can sing!" Seungmin said handing me a glass of wine.
"Of course she can! She's the best friend I know!" Minho stated.

Best friend...

"Best friend..." I mumbled but I think they heard it.
"W-wait... Sorry.. am I wrong?" Minho fidgeted his fingers.

I never want to be friends with him but hearing that makes me more happy.

"No you're not... Its just really flattering" i replied to him and he smiled. He nodded and patted my head.

"Let's grab a drink!" Chan said pulling Jisung's wrist to the counter.
"I already got a drink" I said chasing after them.
"That wine is not much. Rum and vodka will do"

We went to Dong, who is behind the counter.
"The good ones please!!" Woojin smacked his hands on the counter top and Dong nodded. He gave us each a bottle and Minho looked at him furrowing his eyebrows.

"You're giving her a bottle? Seriously?" Minho asked taking my bottle and giving it back to Dong.

"You guys say the good ones. If you want to drink alcohol, you drink alcohol" Dong responded.
"You know what guys? One glass will do" I told them " Im not that much of a drinker"

Dong nodded and gave me a glass of brandy. I grabbed it and looked at the guys who was starring at me confusedly.

"Excuse me" I patted Felix on his shoulder and went outside.

I leaned against the wall next to the door sipping on my drink. I was thinking of smoking but Jeongin might come out and scold me again so I just drank the brandy thinking how delicious it is.

Then, a tall looking guy approached me.
"Having fun?" He asked
"Who are you with?"
"Where are they exactly?"

I started to feel something.

"They're inside" i replied
"Oh they're inside? Do you mind coming for a second?"

I suddenly suspected him. He's planning on hurting me. He thought Im stupid?

"You know what? I gotta go" I said leaving the guy but he stopped me by pulling my wrist.

"Come with me"
I tried pulling back my hand
"My friends are calling me! Leave me alone!"
"Claridia, right? I want to know you better"
"Let go!"

"Hey! Stay away from her!" I heard a familiar voice. It was Minho.
Minho pushed the guy and it made him fall to the ground then he held the guy's Shirt and held him up.
"What were you planning Hyuk?"
The guy who's name is 'Hyuk' didn't respond. Minho let him go and stared at him furiously.
Hyuk walked away with a bad aura.
"Y/N! Are you okay?" Minho turned to me and he wrapped his arms around my neck.
"Y-yes.... I could have handled myse-"
"No you cant! Stop acting like that."
"I wasn't"
"I was worried"

He squeezed me more tightly.

"Sorry... Minho" I hugged him back.

Minho was always there when I'm in trouble. If he wasn't there,I could be dead.

"Im sorry Minho... For causing trouble" I told him.
"Y/N... Be careful next time"

He let me go and pouted. I looked down and scratched my neck. He patted and lifted my head with his warm and soft hand.

"You're okay now. If you need my help, call my name. I'll always be there"

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