8• Clingy?

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(A/N: IM BACK Bitchesgjdkfs! Its been a while now and I'm feeling awesome! I missed writing sooo much .I'm pretty sure Y/N and Minho will be together soon.... Soon... I don't know... But Lee knows..hehe... See what I did there? No? Ok...I'm such a disgrace... I remembered when Chan said that in a vlive. "Lee Know, we know" and Minho just looked at him with a disgusted look haha)

This Afternoon after buying some candies and  other food we can eat,
A knock from the door interrupted us from watching a random movie. Jeongin rushed to the door and opened it.

"Hel- h-huh?! JYP? What are you doing here? S-sir?" Jeongin stuttered and bowed at the door.

Minho and the others widen their eyes and looked at each other. Who is this JYP and why are they scared?

"Hey SKZ!" The guy came inside and bowed at us. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

"So this is Y/N?" He asked Minho
"Y-yes! H-how do you know...sir?"
"I heard you were talking about her behind the scene of your new MV"

Minho scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.
"So, this is why I'm here"

We all listened to him, curiously.

"Have you seen this?" The JYP guy showed his phone and revealed me and Minho. Minho's arms was on my shoulder and it looks like he was whispering to me. It's from the Theatre.

"That's..." Minho examined the picture and furrowed his eyes.
"Let me ask you... This is both of you right?" JYP asked.
"Yeah.. from the Theatre.." Minho answered.
"In this picture, you were clinging to Y/N too much. Minho, don't tell me your dating her already" Minho and I twitched and suddenly stood. "We are not dating! We are just friends" Minho shouted causing the others to look at him. "But," JYP started, "What the fan say is your dating so thats not good"
"What can we do?" I asked JYP, calming myself. "There is only two options," JYP sighed and looked at me "don't hang out with them anymore" 
"What?!" Jisung screamed out. "W-we cant do that!" Felix said hugging Minho by his side. "Let me finish!" JYP snapped at them, "I said two options! Don't hang out anymore... Or... Just dont be clingy to each other. All of you. Only when you're going out" he said pointing at all of us. Minho and the others looked at each other and nodded. "Obviously JYP, sir. We'll chose  the ,'dont be clingy when going out' part. That's the easiest and its not bad" said Chan. "Yeah.. No offense sir but you could have just said the last option" Felix also said. "You know we won't pick the first op-" Jeongin never got finish his sentence when JYP clapped his hands together "alright already! I got it!". Minho looked at me and smiled so I gave him one. We finished the show while eating the food we bought with JYP. And we didn't realized it was already getting dark. JYP stood and he has to go. We went outside to day goodbye. He waved to us so we waved back. We watched him drive his tinted black van and went back inside. Jisung gave me a hug and so did the others. "That was SOO close! We wont be able to live a normal life without you" Jisung said. They let go and patted my back. "I guess we'll be hanging out forever!" Woojin winked at me and went to the living room. "Hey Y/N! Help me cook" Chan said as he pulled me going to the kitchen. "I-I'll come too!" Minho said grabbing my hands.

We ate in the dining room together chatting about what to do this summer. Chan said we will go to the beach in Australia. They all liked the idea. But I told them I'll get car sick if we drive long but they gave me begged so I just agreed.

After the dinner, we went back to the living room and watched some random shows until we realized Minho is starting to get sleepy.

Chan, who was next to him slapped him in the back. Minho flinched and fell off the couch.

"Jesus! Chan what the hell?" Minho stood up, rubbing his hair behind his head.
"I just got an idea" Chan looked at me and grinned. I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms, "what is it this time?" I asked

"Since Minho is sleepy yet we're not, he needs to sleep on the couch right? How about he sleep with you?"

My eyes widen and my eyebrows furrowed together. I shook my head and stuck my tongue out.

"Noooo way!"
"But poor lil' ol Minho" Jisung pouted his lips but smiles afterwards.

I looked at Minho who was looking up the ceiling, "Well, I would like to cuddle with Y/N..." He said.

My mouth hang while my eyes is still furrowed. They all looked at me with pouting lips and the freaking puppy eyes. I was dumbfounded. Minho... That traitor!

"B-but.. I-I.. F-FINE!" I turned back to the TV without looking back at them. They cheered and hugged me. I pushed them away and scoffed "tsk" I rolled my eyes.

"Well then, g'night guys! See you tomorrow" Minho waved while running upstairs. Jeongin looked at me with an annoying Smile. I turned to him and asked, "what?" He didn't said anything but just wiggled his eyebrows. "Gross" I pushed him playfully but giggles.


After the last show, me and Woojin walked upstairs together. He opened their bedroom door and saw Minho, sleeping peacefully on his bed. I stared at him while leaning on the wall. Woojin climbed up on his bed and closed his eyes,"Night Y/N! Good luck" he said. I rolled my eyes and walked over to Minho's bed. I just stood there scratching ny neck. "Geez.. " I mumbled "I'll just sleep on the couch"

Just when I was about to walk away, Minho grabbed my wrist and pulled me, causing my foot to slip and fall on the bed next to Minho.

"Sleep here..." He whispered only I can hear. He wrapped his arms around my waist and opened his eyes to look into mine. He smiled and stuck his tongue out, "go to sleep"

I couldn't help but blush. He closed his eyes and pulled his blanket over me. I sighed quietly and closed my eyes. Next thing I know, Im in dreamland.

(A/N: Hey guys! Sorry its short and fast. But thats not important right now!


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