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I have became an outside person because of the popular asshole idol guy named Minho who started being friends with me. He keeps calling me on the phone because I gave him my number. Why did I even did that?!

<Saturday morning>

I woke up because of a phone call. Obviously, its Minho... Since he's the only contact i have. I groaned and rolled to the edge of my bed. I dropped my hands to the floor to get my phone which is charging. I picked it up and answered..

"WHAT?!" I shouted as I rub my eyes
"Get ready loser. Lets take a morning jog!" He said kinda sound like he's full of energy. I sat up and yawned earning a very loud noise.

"What time is it exactly?" I asked plugging off the charger of my phone.

"That doesnt matter." He hunged up.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face and tied my hair to a messy bun. I went back to my room and wore my red sports bra that I dont wear and gray leggings. I took my red hoody and put it on me.
I put my black puma shoes on and took my headset.

I went outside my house and locked the door. I walk my way over to the park and saw Minho sitting on the bench with his white earphones on.
I approached him and stood infront.
He cant see me because he's eyes are closed. He's also singing but I dont know the lyrics nor the song so I just listened. He's voice... Is like the angels. Im really shooked. He's voice made my shoulders lift. I let out a sigh but somehow he heard it. He jump and turned red.

"(Y/n)! Were you standing there the whole time? Geeez... Thats... Wow"
He said taking his earphones off.

"Sorry for disturbing you. Your singing is amazing!"

"R-really? Thanks.."

He stood up covering his face because of him feeling flustered.
"Come on! Im serious! I love it!"
He scratched the back of his head, smiling.
"Thank you"
I nodded at him and smiled. We jogged around the park and to the streets of emptiness until we got tired.
We leaned on the wall next to the soda machine. We panted as we can't breathe. Minho went to the soda machine and buy his soda while I put my earphones on and listen to the music.

A morning cigarette is perfect at mornings.

I said to myself. But I cant even do that with Minho around.

As I listen to the beat of the music and feel of the fresh morning breeze, I felt Minho lean back to the wall. I closed my eyes and fan my hands over my face.

"Drink?" The voice of Minho interrupted me. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He hands me a half Coca Cola soda. He drinked at it. I can tell from his sarcastic smile and his open soda. I glared at him and gave him a middle finger, knowing if I drink at it, We'll kiss on directly from his saliva that was stuck on the soda.
He chuckled and handed me another soda. "Here. I know you wont". I grabbed the cold drink and placed it on my head. "Thanks" Minho smiled at me and grabbed my wrist and pulled me to 'who knows where?'.

"Where do you think your taking me?" I asked Minho holding into my soda.
"Pink cafe!"
"There is where my other friends work"
"Your introducing me to them? I thought you guys are popular or something? You guys cant work in public!"
"Pink café is not that popular so we chose that place to work and eat"

I couldn't stop him. This is going to be awkward. I never asked for friends but it looks like im meeting new people.

Finally got inside the cafe and saw only 4 people. I got to say, it feel sad in here. But the place looks absolutely adorable and the food is delicious and its not that expensive. People who eats here has good taste.

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