4• Warm

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(A/N: sorry the last chapter was short. I couldn't think of another part. But I hope you guys like it though.
Luv you❤


  <Monday Morning>

I woke up by the sound of the alarm clock. I sat up and felt the cold air pass me. I wrapped myself with my blanket and checked my phone. I saw 27 missed calls from Minho. I contacted him back to let him know Im awake. 15 seconds later he picked it up.

"Yyyyyy/nnnnn!!" He shouted from the other line. I twitched and jumped.
"I was calling you! I got worried"
"I was sleeping"
"Its really cold today. Got any warm  jackets?"

I looked at my cabinet and saw no jackets or other warm clothes.

"....I... I got a long sleeved shirt..."
"As long its warm... By the way, Im outside" I jumped up and rushed downstairs to let Minho in. I opened the door and saw him standing infront wearing a black thick furry jacket and a lavender scarf.

"Jesus... Minho... Get in here" I made way to let Minho come inside. He jumped on the sofa, lying there like his making himself at home. I shook my head and started cooking eggs and bacon for breakfast.
I sat on the chair and placed the plate on the table. I chewed every last bit of my food and went to my bathroom in my bedroom. I brushed my teeth and stripped to take a bath. Once I was finished, I changed into a Black long sleeve and black jeans. I brushed and dried my hair and went the living room where Minho is watching.

"Lets go?" I asked him, Grabbing my bag.

I closed the lights and went outside. I locked the door and rode Minho's car.
I took my book out and started where I stopped. But before Minho start the car, he took my book.

"Don't read while the car is driving. You'll be dizzy, stupid"

I gave him a straight face and leaned back at my sit. I crossed my arms and looked out the tinted window.

"Jerk" I said
"I actually am and so are you"
"Oh you did not!"
"I did! gay-hoe"
"No you"
"No you!"

We both argued playfully until we got in our classroom.


( Time skipped to lunch )

I started to feel a little cold in my class. I hovered my face on my bag and put my legs together. With Minho beside me, he noticed.


I looked up at him and hummed.

"Are you cold?"

I nodded. Like he can do something. Suddenly, he cupped both of my cheeks. My heart beats fast as a horse
And my face red as a tomato.

"Minho?! What are you doing?"
"Making you warm. Is it working?"
"Definitely not!"

He let go of my cheeks and thought of another way. I sighed and lowered my head and took my earphones out. Suddenly, I felt a warm cloth wrap my neck. I touched it and realize its his scarf. I looked at him like I don't know what's happening in my world.

"Oh! I forgot! I got you a hoody" he took his bag and tried to look for it.

"Here!" He pulled the hoody out and threw it at me.
"Sorry I forgot" he said.
"Minho why did you got me your hoody?" I asked him
"I figured you'd be cold, so yea"

I looked at it before looking up at Minho.


He smiled at me and winked.

"No problem"

I wore the sweater and felt a warm experience. "Woah" I whispered. But somehow, the coldness stayed inside me for a bit. So I hugged myself and shivered. Minho sat with me and wrapped his hands around me.

"Minho?! Let m-"
"No one's inside anyways. Let us be"
"Im cold. You are too. let us be"

I hesitate for a while and just let him hug me. Its warm. I sighed.

"Wanna buy hot chocolate after school and watch a movie in your place?"he asked me, still not letting go.

"Yes" I answered.


(At the Pink Cafe)

"Minho! Im telling you! Thats not how the game starts! You have to g-"
"If we take that route, we'll die instantly"
We both argued at the game on my phone that doesn't even make sense. Minho lost the game and gave up.

"That game is lame. Delete it! Delete!"
Minho demands but I pushed his hands playfully.
"You're lame"

We both laughed at each other.  Suddenly, Minho twitched at something.

"Y/N! Our new song just came! Connect to the internet and watch!!"

Minho connected the Pink Café's Internet and opened YouTube. He typed on the keyboard and gave it to me.

"Watch" he said. I rolled my eyes and did what he said.
"Im the front, see?! I look so sexy!" He said,making me giggle.

I laughed at their faces in the MV but loved they're voices and they're choreography. The song stopped and I just looked at Minho, who was smiling, waiting for my reaction.

"You're dancing are amazing!" I said slapping his back "way to go Minhoe!"

"Minhoe?! How do you know that nickname? Have you been fangirling me? Im fluttered!"

"What if I did? But not all of you, psycho"
Minho chuckled and pulled me out.
"Lets go to your place!" He said.
"Let me call the others then"
Minho lets go of me and smiled.
"Okay, I'll wait here" he said.I hurriedly went inside the pink café and called for the others.
They closed up the café early and went to my house. We used Woojin's and Chan's car. But Im inside the car of Woojin. He was driving a black tinted van like the Chan's. Minho is in Chan's car. Why do I give a shit about him? Well, his my friend. Best friend, he said. I leaned my back against the car sit and rested my eyes. But Jeongin, who was beside me tapped my cheek. I looked at him furrowing my eyebrows. "What?" I asked him. He held his candies up and smiled "candy?"he asked unwrapping one and feeds it with himself. "No thank you" i replied resting back my eyes.
"Are you dating Minho hyu-" I shot my eyes open and twitched.
"What?! No I dont!" The others looked at me with a devil grin. "Yeah right. Why are you wearing his Hoody? And his scarf?!" Jisung pointed at the clothes and mocked me.

"I was cold! I dont have something warm to wear assholes!" I crossed my arms and looked out the window. "Do you like him? For a chance?" Changbin looked down above me. "Why would I?" I asked. They all looked at each other in confusion. "You two looked like your dating" Jeongin said. "Yeah...." Seungmin agreed. "Well your wrong" I snapped at them, glaring at their eyes.

Like Minho?..

(A/N: this is a mess😫 I'll try to do better. Sorry for the late update. I never knew someone would read my junk. Thank you!


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