7• that girl

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(A/N: I forgot to mention, the last chapter 6•Vacation, the book that Y/N was reading was "The Birthing House". I forgot who the author is just... JUST!
And my phone cracked because of my stupid shit-self. I dropped it on the ground while walking to school and my friends is like "you fucking idiot" and "Wow! Nice design! Where did you get it?".
I'm just wasting the time so, let's get started.


I woke up on a bed that was not mine. I squinted my eyes, looking around and saw how the room is clean and saw another bed.

Shit! Did I get drunk last night?!

I stood up and ran to the door and saw a very surprised Jeongin holding a tray of eggs and bacon, coffee and toast. Then suddenly I remembered, I slept in the SKZ dorm last night but I remembered I fell asleep on the couch.

"Good morning...? Here's breakfast"
"A-ah... Sorry, I was half asleep. We could just eat downstairs"

Jeongin nodded and smiled showing off his braces. We both headed down the dining room and saw Seungmin and Minho, eating together. They both waved at me and I waved back.

"Jeongin, I told you that she wants to eat with us" Minho said as he bit his toast. "Sorry Mr Lee Knows that Y/N wants to eat with us" Jeongin mocked Minho as he make a face. Seungmin laughed, smacking the table. "Square up, bitch" Minho growled as he glare at Jeongin. "Children please, don't argue at one single candy" Chan interrupted as he come in the dining room.

"G'morning Y/N" Chan greeted.

I sat next to Minho who was sipping on his coffee while scrolling on his phone. I took a peek over his shoulder and saw that he was stalking my account.

"Minho... Is that my account?" I asked him calmly.
"W-what? No"
"Yes it is!!"

I reached for his phone but he keeps pushing my hands.

"Give it to me you stalking psycho" I grabbed his shirt and tried my best to reach it but he stumbled back, causing us to fall on the floor.

"Noona!" Seungmin shouted.
"Guys?! Are you okay?" Jeongin asked with a concerned tone.

I opened my eyes and looked up. I saw Minho's adorable eyes Infront of mine. They're too close to my face. Then I realized, I'm on Minho. I suddenly stood up and blushed.
"Well, this is completely awkward" Jeongin said as he leave the kitchen.
"You know what? I have something to do..." Seungmin scratched his arm and left.

As soon as they left, Minho giggled and pulled me back to his arms.
"M-Minho! Wahh! What are you doing?!" I tried struggling out but his grip is strong.
"I like cuddling with you!"
"What?! Let gooo!"
"Just a little longer?"

I felt my face heat up. I sighed and bit my bottom lip.

He's so warm...
I enjoy it...

I widen my eyes at the sudden thought.

What are you thinking Y/N?!
Don't tell me your starting to like Minho...

"Iyyyaaa!" I screamed at my weird frustrating thought that made Minho twitch. "Calm down! Do you not like it that much?" Minho asked.
"What?! Yes... Maybe.. N-no..."
"You like it?"

I didn't answered. My face heated up.

Minho giggled and Squeezed me more. Causing me to squeal. Changbin rushed inside the dining room and saw us on the floor.

"U-uh... Am I disturbing?" Changbin asked with a confused tone. "Yes" Minho answered with a glare. "I know but... Can you do that somewhere else? You're blocking the room!"

Minho lets go of me and we both stood up. "Did you asked her out already?" Asked changbin. "Already?! What the fuck are you talking about??" I was looking down, hiding the redness of my face.
"Guys!-" woojin entered "get ready! We're going to the theatre"

I went inside the bathroom carrying my bag. I remembered the cuddle session with Minho awhile ago and it made me blush so hard that it made me look like a tomato. I covered my face and screamed.

"Noona?!" Jisung knocked on the bathroom door. "Whats happening?! Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah! There was just a spider in here" I said, stripping my clothes and turning the shower on. "KILL IT! KILL IT! KILL IT! KILL IT!" jisung started to panic. "JISUNG ITS ALREADY DEAD!" I screamed back at him.


We arrived at the theatre using Woojin and Chan's van. I went out the car with Minho gripping the wrists.

Why am I even allowing him to do this to me?...

He then placed his arm around my shoulder. They were wearing masks and hoods so that nobody will suspect them.
Chan boughts the tickets while we stand to the corner waiting. I was standing next to Minho. (Duuh... His arm is on your shoulder)

"Are you uncomfortable?" Minho asks looking down on me. "Well, too be honest,yea."
"Want me to stop?"
"Yes. And can you please stop flirting with me?"
"Why? You fluttered? Yiii..you love it" Minho wiggled his eyebrows and I pushed him away.
He lets go of me with a chuckle. I rolled me eyes and looked away. But then, I saw a girl with dark black hair glaring at me.

That girl... Recognized them..

"Y/N?" Minho wakes me up from my deep thought. "Y/N? Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah..." "Let's go" Jisung said.

We sit to the second row eating popcorn and watching the horror movie "The Mimic" Minho beside me again. I looked to my right and saw that girl, looking at us.

What the fuck is she looking at?

(A/N: sorry this part is stupid. I'll try my best.... I said that before and Im still not good)

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