6• Vacation

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One month later,
<Saturday morning>

I was reading my book and drinking coffee sitting on the grass of my garden.

"Conrad is given an old photo album, he begins to discover through the cracked, 100-year-old pages, he finds a photo of a group of Victorian women standing outside the house. The women look scary,angry,all dressed in black with their arms folded.

And then his heart nearly stops when he sees that one of the women,starring with hatred in her eyes, is his wife-"
(A/N: sorry, I forgot to tell you the book is horror)

It was quiet until my phone rang. I knew it was Minho but looks like I was wrong. It was an unknown number. I picked it up and answered it.

"Who's this? What do you want?" I asked with an annoyed tone.

"Noona! Its Hyunjin-ssi"

"Oh... How did you ge-"

"I stole Minho's phone last night. I hid it inside my drawer. He's looking for it now. He's like 'where did I put my darn phone again?' "

We both chucked devilishly.

"I want to tell you that we want you to stay with us the whole summer!"

"Whole summer?! Stay?! In your dorm?! No thank you"

"Please?? But we planned all the way"

"You shouldn't have planned when you knew I won't agree"

"But we thought you'll agree..."

"No I wont"

"Stay with us the whole summer or else we'll dare you to sing in Dong's again"

"You do that. I don't care"

"But noona....."

"Buy me smoothie and I'll agree"

"Deal! Woojin-hyung will get you there! Byeeee~"

He hunged up. I placed the bookmark between the pages of my book. I gave him a chance since he's really desperate. I stood up and dusted my clothes, groaning. But smiled with the invitation. I'm happy I found people that will make my life happy. Especially Minho since he showed me these others. Even though I'm not they're fan.

I went back inside, placed my mug on the sink and went to my room. I took out the bag I'll use and placed clothes and other things important. Even my book.

I went downstairs and turned the TV on and waited for Woojin-hyung.


I watched my favorite show RIVERDALE season 2 until I heard the doorbell rang. I quickly went to the door and opened it.

"HUG ATTACK!!" Minho suddenly pulled me into a Deep hug.
"Minho!! I c-can't breathe!" He quickly lets go and bows to me. "S-sorry"
"How dare you pull out something like that!" I scolded at him. "Im sorry! Im sorry".

I let out a grin and suddenly jump on him. "HUG ATTACK!"

"IYA!" Minho shouts and whines. "Y/N! You got me there!"
"How you like that?!" We both chuckled and sat on the couch. Woojin came in with a huge shock on his face. "You're house is mess!"
"Don't mind those!"
"Eek! Is that... A bitten cheese?" He asked pointing on a thing on the floor.
"No, its a bitten sponge"
"Good lord...."


Woojin opened their dorm door and the other five approached me like their some kind of zombie.
"Y/N- noona!!!!" Seungmin shouted. "Hey guys!"

Minho pulled me and made me sit on the couch.

"Lets play, hide and seek" Seungmin suggested. "Thats a good idea. Seungmin is it since he started it" Jisung said as he burry his head on Minho's shoulder. "What?! You are the one who planned this before Y/N comes" Seungmin furrowed his eyebrows and folded his arms. "Jisung can you-?!" Minho shrugged his shoulders so that Jisung would let go of him. "Jeez... Why are you guys getting angry at me?" Jisung sat on the couch, leaning on Felix. "I can be it! I'll give you ten seconds" Changbin said as he close his eyes. "One, two-" he started counting fast. "Ruuunnn!!" Woojin shouted. Minho pulled me up a bedroom to a closet. "Who's room is this?" I whispered to him. "Me and Woojin-hyung's" I nodded my head and waited. Awkward silence. Our arms are sticking to each other. I

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