9• Realization

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(A/N: here we go again)

"Hey Y/N! Wake up!" I opened my eyes to see two beautiful annoying familiar faces. "Y/N wake up! Lets go to the groceries" Jisung waved his hands on my face. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. "where are we?" I asked, fixing my hair. "In the van, stupid" Minho said, chuckling while being slapped in the back by Jisung. "We're almost there. Now let's go"

Minho pulled my hands as we Leave the van.

"Heeeeyyy!!" A cute girl voice called from the grocery store, "Miiiinnnhhhooo!"

That brown short hair and the beautiful eyes and the smile made me a little jealous as she came and grab Minho's free hand. "Jihyo, where are the others?" Minho asked as he pat the girls head, "they're already inside" the perfect looking woman looked at me and gave me a perfect smile.
"Y/N! Lets go!" I gave her a fake smile and nodded.

I then remembered her with 3 more girls came with us. Jihyo, Nayeon, Chaeyoung and Dahyun. Members of the famous kpop band girl group, Twice.

She grabs my hand and pulls me inside the grocery store.
"Lets get us two ice creams. My treat! Just don't tell the others" she whispered to me and winked.

How could be angry at her? She's so nice. Everyone is to me but... Why her?

"Okay... Thanks" I smiled back at her and she nodded.
"GUUYS!" We heard Seungmin shout in the other lane "Im... Lost"


In the van, I sit next to Jihyo. Next to her is Chaeyoung and Nayeon. Minho behind us.

"Hey guys... Lets play 'I spy'" Jeongin suggested "good Idea! I'll go first" Dahyun places her hands on her forehead as she think.

"Hmm I spy with my little eye...  A squirrel!" She confidently shouted. We all looked at Jisung who was sleeping peacefully on Changbin's shoulder and back to Dahyun "I know! That was too obvious. I couldnt think of anything" She said giggling by herself.

I wonder how our day will be.


We finally arrived at the beach. Chan fixed the place where we will be eating.

"Alright guys, can you guys help me with the food?" Chan asked.
"I will!" Jihyo shouted as she raise her hand. "Fuck this! Lets swim!" Jeongin said as he place his arms around Changbin. "Yeah. I probably wont eat because of the fun we will be having"

Minho turned his head to face me and smiled. I shuddered in surprise "are you gonna swim Y/N?" He asked. I nodded at him and smiled back, "but I gotta help Chan and Jihyo first"

After helping the others fix the place where we will be eating, Jihyo and I went to the girls dressing room and changed to our swimsuits. I got a one piece swimsuit with the color of black and Jihyo has a cute two piece and Jihyo has a cute two piece colored purple bikini. She looks absolutely stunning.

Those perfect waist and her huge chest fit perfectly to her bikini. And her hair -wow!

"You look amazing with that Jihyo" I complemented her. She smiled warmly and handed me a donut floater. "You think so? I think I look a little... Revealing"
"Then why choose that swimsuit?"
"Well, Dahyun told me to wear this. But I told her I dont like it but I checked my bag to wear the swumsuit I chose to wear and saw this"

I giggled and held her arms "well you look nice! Lets go!"
"Thank you Y/N! You look cute on yours too"

We went in the salty water, wearing our floaters and chased after the others who was in the part that I can't reach the sand.

"Hey guys!" Jihyo shouted "what did we missed?"
"Lets go that huge rock over there" Chaeyoung said as she point to the part more deep. "You guys go. I'll stay with Minho..." I told the girls
"Why not?" Nayeon asked
"I dont want to die just yet" i replied with a shaky giggle "see you later" Dahyun waved with a smile "dont drown or get eaten by a shark" I waved back and they laughed.

"You cant swim?" Jisung asked
"N-no" i answered
"Let me teach ya"
"Oh no! no! I can just stick with the floater"
"Okay then" Jisung shrugged and pulled my floater and went to Minho. "Y/N here can't swim" Jisung told him "lets take her to the deep part" he grinned and so did Minho. I widen my eyes and tried to swim away. "Stay. Away. From. Me!" They pulled me with them and went far. "Stop guys! Stop! Im scared of water!"
"Chill out we aren't gonna leave you jeez" Minho said as he chuckle
"Dont ever let go of me"
"We wooonnt!"
"L-lets g-go back!"
"You really are scared"
"Y-yeah. WHY?! YOU THINK IM LYING?!" They flinched as I shouted at them. "Okay! Okay! We'll go back"


After all those, we all felt tired and went back home. We actually had fun. We played, ate, swim, swim more and the guys wont stop scaring me. But it was fun.

Minho begged Jihyo to sit next to me and so he did. He asked me about myself.

"What do you want to know about me?"
"I'll give you 3 answers"
"Thats good enough"
"My first name is Y/N and my last name is L/N. Female"
I giggled and patted his head.
"I was just messing around"
"Do you see me as a friend?" Minho asked me with a straight face. I paused for a moment and raised my eyebrows "of course i do, you fucking pabo!"
"Phew, that was close!  Okay first! Are you allergic to any kind of food?"
"Second,have you ever kissed someone?"
"Where is your favorite place?"
"Hmm. I dont think I- oh wait! The pink cafe!"
"Whats your favorite flavour of cake?"
"Okay I got everything I need to know!"
"What for?"

Minho's POV-

Y/N's birthday is coming up. And I got everything under control.

'Brrrrrrrr' my phone vibrated inside my pocket. I pulled it out and checked who.

  Whats on your mind?

I know what to do for her

Great! I want to help!

I looked to Jihyo and smiled. I gave her a thumbs up and so did she.

Y/N's POV-

I saw Minho grab his phone from his pocket and smiled at Jihyo. I felt my heart almost drop.

I took my book out from my bag and began reading from where I last paused. But I start to feel a little dizzy and I guess Minho noticed.
"Thats for reading while the car is moving" he said as as he take the book away from my hand. I groaned and rolled my eyes at him
"Here" Nayeon handed me her bottled water and told me to drink.
I returned her water back and closed my eyes. Minho pulled my head so that I could rest on his shoulder.

He massaged my forehead softly with his hand. I just rested and fell asleep.

For some reason, i like being with Minho. I like how he sit next to me and make me rest on his shoulder. But I hate the way he smile at Jihyo after asking me about myself. I should feel that way. But I cant stop myself. Why?

I suddenly realised, I fell in love with Minho from the beginning. I fell in love with him after saving me from the bullies. All this time... I just never know everything.

I cant fall inlove with someone who likes someone else.

(A/N: Im sorry I dont update! My phone is shitting with me right now. Im using my mothers! I gotta get a new phone fast!

Sorry for this part too. I dont have something in mind.
I love youu guyss for understanding!


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