Jisung's feelings

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Jisung fucking christ. I cant believe this is happening to me. I dont like him! I dont! But he... Kissed me.

"Jisung...?" I was dumbfounded. I didnt know If Im shaking or am I just out of the world. "Why?" I asked. He looks away again and hides his face.

"You told me to prove it so.." He mumbled.

"Jisung... Why me?"
"I-I dont know..."
"Jisung... Im sorry but..."
"Noona wait! I know you dont like me the way I do. Its alright. I know you like... We all know you like Minho"
"You do? But... Why did you kissed me?"
"Because you told me to prove I love you"
"Yeah but not like that!"
"I know but I always wanted to kiss you"
"Jisung I want you to shake your feelings off me!"
"I wanted to and I will!"
"So? Do it now!"
"I will but... Not now"

He sighs and looks at me "noona! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" He shouted

I gave him a puzzled look. "Jisung... Im very sorry..."
"Noona! Its okay! You two would make a really good couple"
"Jisung... Lets just act that never happened. Okay?"
"Okay. And... Promise me we will be friends forever. Like what we really are"

Minho's POV-

I was hiding behind a tree with the drinks Jisung ordered.

I saw it. I saw them. Can it be that I lost?

My whole world collapsed. Now I dont know what to do.

I sat down andplaced my legs on my chest, silently tearing up. My plan was supposed to happen now. A plan on telling her that I like her. I was wrong. I was so fucking wrong! I thought that she would love me. I thought we could be together. But...

She loves Jisung

"Minho?" An angelic familiar voice called my name. I raised my head and saw Jihyo, sitting infront of me with her head tilted and looking concerned. "What happened? Did your plan worked?" She asked me

"Im not doing it Jihyo. She likes Jisung and not me! Im sorry" I covered my face with my hands and continued to cry. "Im so stupid. Why will I ever like someone who likes someone else? And who would love me anyways? My damn cats?"

I heard her sigh. I felt her soft hands on top of my head. I looked at her again.

"Idiot. I liked you"
"I had a crush on you the very beginning. But I knew you dont so I kept it a secret"
"Jihyo Im sorry. I know y/n doesnt like me but I wont change the fact that I love her"
"I know. Thats why. Im telling you. Someone like her would definitely like you. Its not too late"
"Jihyo. Jisung already-"
"What are you waiting for? Just go!"

She shoved me up and pushes me away from the tree.

"Minho! There you are! I was looking for the drinks! Not you" Jisung my old close BEST friend, now my rival ran towards me, taking the drinks off my hands and opening it.
"Minho where the fuck have you been?" The one and only Y/n asked.
"Sorry the line for the casier was long. Sorry for the wait"
"Hey! Lets go to the pink cafe!" Jisung suddenly suggested.


Y/n's POV-

Finally arriving, it was so dark inside. It was already 7:54pm so it really cant be seen from outside.

"Wheres the lights?" I asked but no answer. "Fuck you both"

Suddenly, the lights flashed to my eyes and a loud popping noise echoed around the cafe.

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