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(A/N: I dont know if you'd like this story. I just thought of it while eating. I thought maybe " hey, add this shit! Hmmm. No. Wait. You know what? Screw it" I dont know everyone's opinion so maybe tell me if you hate it... Hehe. I hate myself .


<Wednesday morning>
1:36 am

I woke up on the couch with the TV on. I dont remember what happened last night but I knew I drank. 9 bottles of alcohol. I guess Minho and the others were here. Jeongin didn't drank. I sat up and felt my head pained. I stepped on the cold floor with my bare foot and turned the TV off. I went up my room, ignoring the trash around to take a rest. I held my bedroom knob and when I was just about turn it, I saw a sticky note attached to my door.

"Rest for a bit. We'll be back
-Minho <3"

It said. I took the paper,crumpled it and threw in on the floor thinking that I'll clean later. I hopped on the bed and wrapped myself with the blankets still feeling cold. But more cold. Maybe a little hot. The feeling is heavy but shrugged it off. I felt my eyes became heavy and shuts on its own. Seconds later, Im in my dreamland.


I woke up from the sound of a heavy footsteps coming from the stairs. I sat up quickly and froze. I heard it coming closer. I couldn't move.

What to do?? Did Minho and the guys forgot to lock the door?

The knob started to turn. I gulped silently and waited for my death. The door slowly opened with hands by the side. I lay back on my bed.

Play dead!

" Y/N?" The voice of a familiar guy spoke. I sat back up, looking at him with wide eyes filled with fear.
"MINHO!! KNOCK GODDAMMIT! I THOUGHT YOU WERE SERIAL KILLER!" I screamed at him but he just chuckled. "Sorry. Breakfast is ready" I looked at him with a confused look. "How did you get in here?" I asked. He dug into his pockets and took out a key and shook it in front of me. "You took my house key?" I asked him scratching the back of my head.

"Yeah. I actually got here more early than the others" I looked at the time and saw its 4:09 am. I sat up and yawned earning a very loud noise. I stood up and followed Minho down the stairs but I started to feel dizzy. I groaned as I felt my head ache. Just when Minho turned around, I fell on his chest.

"Y/N?!" He called for my name. He carried me bridal style and layed me back on my bed. He placed his forehead on mine and felt if I have a fever. My heart started beating fast and my cheeks started turning into the color of the tomato. "Woah. You are sick. Let me call the others and tell them to buy medicine and chicken soup" he said typing on his phone. "No need to do that. We need to go to school" I said as I dropped my foot on the floor. "Oh no you won't! Your staying here" he said stopping me.

"But-" "No. Stay. Or else Im throwing you're book away" "fine!" I went back up my bed and leaned my head on the wall. I glared at Minho and he glared back. We burst out of laughter and he stuck his tongue out.

They already left my house leaving Woojin and Chan with me just in case I need something. I sat on my bed with my book, my phone and the chicken soup.

Dang it. I need to go to school. I can't just let my grades down

I called for Woojin. Then I heard heavy footstep running towards my room. "What happened?!" He asked with a broom on his hands.

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