10• surprise

309 8 6

Summer is finally over and I cannot wait for graduation. School sucks.

I was on my way to school when I saw a cat. Small cute furry black cat meowing on the middle of the street. I crouched down and pulled out my hand to pet it. Somehow, it didn't mind.

I pulled back my hands and continued to walk.

'Brrrrrrrrrrr' my phone rang and vibrated inside my pocket. I shoved my hand inside and took my phone out to check who was calling. Han Jisung.

I answered the call and heard a cute yet annoying voice.

"Hey noona! Are you going to school? Where are you?" Jisung asked in the other side.

"Im still walking. Whats up?"

"Can I talk to you after your class?"

"Uhh... Sure"

"Great! Infront the school gate?"

"Yeah but... Why?"

"Well... Good stuff maybe? Just... Bye!"

Jisung suddenly hung up. I took a look at my phone before puting it back inside my pocket.

Finally, arrived at the hell, I stepped inside the classroom and saw no one. Not even Minho who was always early. I placed my bag on my table and sat down. I took my phone out and scrolled down to look for memes since i have finished my book just last night.

Suddenly, i heard a very peaceful voice singing a song coming from the classroom door. I turned to look at the man.

Minho, holding a cake with a red bow on top of his head, walking towards me, singing the song happy birthday. I looked at his beautiful eyes in shock.

He winked his eyes and gave me the most adorable smile ever. Well, his smiles always looks adorable but this time, it hit me like an arrow.

"Happy birthday to you
                    Happy birthday to you~"

He sang this song and placed the cake infront of me. My classmates followed Minho with cute boxes in their hands. Jihyo came in and lighted the candles on top of the cake. She sang with Minho while clapping her hands.

Tears started forming in my eyes but Im trying so hard to keep them in. No one ever greeted me when its my birthday. My parents, my family. No one.

The song finished and Minho told me to blow the candles. But I couldnt. If I move even just a little, I'll break out.

"Y/N, come on... Blow the candles..." He said as he tilted his head, "oh wait! I forgot" he turned around and went behind one of our classmates.

"Here" he came out with a huge pink teddy bear around his hand with bow on top of its head. Like Minho's. Cute.

I couldnt help it anymore. My tears burst out while the people around me watch.

Jihyo wrapped her arms around me and patting my back while giggling "Y/N, just let it all out." She said  I giggled back and smiled at them.

"Thank you"


I walked in the school corridor while holding the huge stuffed toy Minho gave me as my birthday gift with a smile on my face. I was on my way to the school gate to meet up with Jisung when Minho walked over to my side. "Hey," he began "where are you going?"

"Going to meet up with Jisung infront the gate" i said "let me come along" he held his backpack with a smile as he look ahead of us.

"Well, you two both have the same dorm house, Minho"
"I know" he glared and bumped on me playfully.

"HEY GUYS!" Jisung's voice came from infront of us. He ran towards us and gave Minho a huge hug attack.

"Hey assbutt, let go off me before I shit on you head" Minho pushed Jisung away and gave him a glare.
"Calm down assface. So. Are you coming with us?" Jisung asked.
"Where..are we going?" I looked at Jisung with a confused face "park! After that, lets go to the pink cafe"


We sat on a bench in the middle of the park. "Minho hyung, can you get us some juice? My legs are hurt" Jisung said as he rubbed his 'hurt' leg and giving Minho a pout. "Why not let Y/N buy you?" Minho stuck his tongue out. I furrowed my eyebrows and gave him the finger. "Fine. Not because its Y/N's birthday. Its because I have no choice... Because its y/n's birthday" he ran towards the nearby market leaving both Jisung and I on the bench. "Hey... Noona. I have to tell you something but you have to promise me you wont get angry" Jisung began

"What is it?"
"Just promise you wont get shocked or angry"
"Jesus jisung christ just tell me"

He took a deep breath before looking back into my eyes.

"I love you... Noona"

"Fuck you Han. Its not april 1st"

"B-but Im serious!"
"Oh really? How serious?"
"Noona your so adorable. You stupid! Stupid! Annoyingly adorable! Noona I am serious!"
"Prove it squirrel!"

He frowns at me and rolled his eyes. I suddenly realised he wasnt joking. I widen my eyes and placed my hand on my chest "you are fucking serious..." He didnt said a word and looks away.
"Jisu-" my 'supposed to be long' sentence was cut by him by cupping his hand on my cheek and pressing his soft lips on mine.

(A/n: aiyyyyyhh! Im soo so sorry for not updating.

I can tell this chapter is a mess but Im too lazy to reread.


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