[I] I'm Fine-

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   STILES has finally got himself together, enough so his friends didn't worry about him. Yes, he wasn't okay- never was. And what made him be consumed into his sadness, was how everyone said, "Everything is going to be fine." Stiles hated it when people say that, people who have absolutely no idea of what's coming next. But overall "I'm fine." It is the biggest lie in the English language. Everyone knows this, yet no tries to help the person. They ask them If they're fine, and do nothing when they respond. Hypocritical if you ask Stiles. And even though it is- Stiles keeps telling everyone, "I'm fine." And they believe him, or don't care enough to help.

   Stiles looked out his bedroom window while sitting on his plain black and white themed bed. He was watching the light, graze over where shadows and darkness that was in the morning. He watched remembering how he was able to take back his body and mind from the nogitsune when Scott bit him. Being remembered of the time brought pain, but also a relief. He had control now, the nogitsune didn't have the wheel.

   After much thought Stiles got up, and ready. Today was going to be a long day. It was his first day back, since the nogitsune accident. There's going to be a lot of, I'm fine. A lot of lying. And a lot of catching up to do.

   After getting ready, Stiles went downstairs. Already knowing his dad was working. Ever since Stiles explained why he was getting night terrors all the time. And what happened from the day Scott was bitten. His father started to work late, and early. Being in-existent in his life. Stiles kind of wishes he can compel his father to forget. Like how the vampires in folklore did. Cause, all Stiles really wants is to see his father more. To be able to here, "I got you, Stiles-" or even a, "Have a good day, Son." But that'll never happen. Stiles knows that now.

   When leaving the house, Stiles grabbed the mail and started to look through it. Trying to find the ones only for him. But before he could- his alarm on his phone went off indicating, that we were gonna be late for school.

   "Ah, Shit-" Stiles grabbed all the mail and hopped into his jeep. A.k.a Roscoe.

   Pressing on the gas. He drove off away from his house. Taking a letter to his father. That'll change his life, forever.


   HONESTLY, Stiles had better days. It seemed that his friends weren't even in school. Which bothered the boy to no end. As he did get a message from Scott just before school started, that he couldn't wait to see him.

 As he did get a message from Scott just before school started, that he couldn't wait to see him

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   Stiles felt alone. And he knew he shouldn't but- he did. Going through each class if the day was the same thing.

"Good to have you back, Mr. Stilinski."
     "I've heard you weren't at school for a while, You okay?"
           "Hey, How you been?"
                  "Are you, Okay?"

I Am Not Afraid / Stiles Stilinski / discontinued Where stories live. Discover now