[14] Illusions

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   KLAUS JUMPED OVER A LOG QUICKLY, LEAVING BEHIND DAMON WITH HIS FAST PACE. Yet, the raging beast that was led to protect the teen, chased the original hybrid still. Sliding to the side, the vampire barely missed getting caught in the jaws of the shadow beast. It took a while to find out that the beast in control, wasn't really there, it was imagery by shadows around of what laid deep within Stiles. That will be protecting him, even when Stiles doesn't know about its existence.

    The gift, and curse the nogitsune gave to the survivor, was a protector. One that'll even kill his loved ones- to protect him.  Running in another direction, Klaus can only hope to outrun the beast. Since the hybrid doesn't trust Damon enough to get any help. With that, the hybrid slid down a hill before bolting once more, the giant fox staying right behind it.

    The earth around them seemed to coward at the imagery of the giant fox. Its teeth were fully bare as it rattled and called out for the hybrid's blood.

   Klaus growled, hate being in the game of cat and mouse but before he could do anything rash, Damon pushed him to the side before he can hit and tree. The younger vampire brought Klaus to a patch of bushes and put a finger to his lips. Shushing the vampire but also glaring at him.

  "I got a plan. Now you can go with it, or keep running away like a headless chicken. Either way, I'm seeing this through." Damon held a hand out to Klaus, "Now, are you with me. Or not."

   Klaus glared back before giving a hard shake to Damon's hand, "Great- so here's what I got." Damon pulled out a couple of flashlights.

    Klaus stepped into the beast's view. The Hybrid gave a smirk to the shadowy beast that roared at him. The bastard, step forward and gave a nasty hiss, "Is that all you got, Love?"

    His words angered the dark guardian, for the fox hissed back and snarled. The beast slowly started to walk around Klaus, causing the hybrid to stiffen. Without the guardian looking, Klaus pulled out a lantern. One that sleeved flames in it. The later was small but was attached to a flashlight. Almost like the person who gathered the two light sources. Didn't know which signature would work. With that, Klaus turned on the flashlight and pointed it at the beast. Once the light hit the Fox, nothing happened(physical pain). The only thing the flashlight did, showed an outline of a human form. As if the guardian was nothing but an illusion, a shadow.

   "Well, it seems the young vampire was right about one thing," Klaus admitted unwillingly.

   Before Klaus can do anything else, the beast charged at him. It's dark purple eyes screamed with insanity, which leads to the fox growling and hissing crazily. Vamping to another spot, Klaus smirked at the Beast.

   "Ah, I'm over here." Klaus then vamped to places around the fox trying to confuse it.

  Hurry up, Damon. Was Klaus's thoughts as he continued on with the plan. Seeing a claw going straight for him, the hybrid opened up the small lantern. As the fire breached through, the fox hissed in pain as the shadows swarmed away from where the light of the lantern had hit.

  "Well, gods be damn. It bloody worked." Klaus vamped away, keeping the lantern exposed.

    Before Klaus can continue to run around the fox, a whistle rang out, giving the hybrid the signal. Hating that he was used as the bait. Klaus bitterly put the lantern away and made his way to the trap Damon had set up. The fox- hungrily followed behind. Tearing anything in its path in a savage matter.

   "Now, Salvatore!" The hybrid hissed as he ran past the trap.

Hearing his name being called, Damon rolled his eyes before flicking a lit match into a pile of gasoline drenched wood. As the Guardian ran close to the fire when it erupted. The gift howled and hissed, slowly started to be torn away from Stiles body. As the last shadowy pieces of the guardian faded. Stiles was dropped to the ground, passed out from the forceful way the guardian release itself. Using a powerful illusion to make it appear as if Stiles turned into the beast. Not that the power of the guardian was leaking through to make a protective shell around its host.

    Klaus crouched down and looked at the teen. A plan formed in his mind about what could happen. Seeing as there were many possibilities Klaus can go for at that moment. He chose one that'll benefit him more at the moment.

  Smirking, Klaus turned to Damon, "Quite a good plan, Salvatore. Never would have expected you to come up with one- such as this." Klaus gestured to the burning fire.

    "Well, I'm just full of surprises, aren't I?" Damon rolled his eyes and made his way over to Stiles.

  Before Damon can pick Stiles up, Klaus pushed Damon into a tree, "Na-ah-a. I can't let you take, little fox, here. I have business with the teen." Damon growled at Klaus, trying to get out of his grip, "Now-" Klaus looked into Damon's eyes and started to compel the younger vamp. Seeing as the vampire didn't take daily certain shots every day, "You won't remember Stiles' guardian coming out, or that you made this wonderful plan to save the little fox. All you'll remember is that I found stiles and saved him. He was injured- so, I took him to my home and healed him. You will not ask any more questions about this, nor will you not tell anyone. You will make sure everyone knows that I saved Stiles, also make sure to give your own personality to the tale."

   Klaus smiled at his work with psychotic glee. The hybrid listened to Damon repeated his words, before leaving. Klaus turned back to Stiles and picked up the teen. The way he held Stiles, was almost as if he was cradling a dead body, in his arms. Not minding that, the hybrid vamped away from the scene.

   Letting the fire burn softly in the woods. The ashes swirling and exposing the events that happened tonight. No one, understanding the flares, nor they're words.

    Slowly the fire became nothing but a lump of burnt woods and ground. Marking the spot where the guardian stood. Marking the beginning of a painful truth.


So, I hate making a/n on stories. Or reading them. But if you're wondering why this update took forever. Then check out my message board for I post any delay or updates about things on there. The reason that there's no Drawing from myself will be there too. Now don't expect anymore A/N on here anymore. Cause I despise them so much.
Good day... Or good night.

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