[30] Cliff Hangers

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   Though the moon and sun never cross anymore

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   Though the moon and sun never cross anymore. They can still send messages to one another through the stars.


Damon and the other Knights had found Haley Marshall and had taken her with them. Planning on protecting the she-wolf.

Caroline had chosen to leave Mystic Falls.

Stiles remembers his time with the Albua Bratus. During this Klaus is taking them to the werewolf pack that the original will turn.

Noah has been completely consumed by the Albua Bratus's side effects. He now has something planning.

Katherine has not made an appearance after stalking Scott to the Salvatore boarding house.


   If Scott could change anything in his life. It'll be set around the time Theo came to town. The teen couldn't help but think about all the things he should have done, the main thing he regrets the most is not being there for Stiles. Stiles was there for him, Stiles helped him. Stiles even came close to dying multiple times for him. Yet, Scott didn't do the same and that hurt so damn much.

   When Katherine came, everything went to shit. He had lost Stiles and the worse part is that it wasn't even his fault. He remembers the fight how the pack lost badly. He could hear the laughs and mocking words the female vampire spoke to them.

   He remembered how she walked over them while using Scott's phone to message Stiles. He remembered the compulsion slipping through their minds like a deadly disease. He was afraid, no they were afraid of the vampire so much. They were willing to let her take Stiles. He should have been stronger, Scott should have been able to protect Stiles.

    He should have been able to protect his brother.

  Looking out the window, the teen was glad he got the back row of the twelve-seater van to himself. For he didn't want to be surrounded by people he had let down. Scott remembers everything that happened. He remembers Theo staring down at him with blood on his face. How Noah came back to beach hills but black veins and eyes in his place. How the man helped destroy the world known, McCall and Hale pack. It was like a nightmare, one that Scott couldn't get out of his head.

       He wasn't strong enough against Noah. Noah and Theo had won and in their place, Scott had fallen from the land of the living. Or so, everyone thought. He had to keep his place within the knights unit a secret, or the interfectorems will try harder to stop them.

    This is the way.

    Scott bit the inside of his cheek as he heard that voice. If he wanted to make amends he must follow what the tree told him- What the Albua Bratus told him to do. Scott McCall wasn't a Knight, yet the Albua Bratus saw it fit if he pretended to be one for the sake of the war. In all due time, I'll be able to make amends.

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