[26] Future To Come

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   HOLDING a drink in his hand, Stiles looked inside the glass to look at the rum that sat in it

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   HOLDING a drink in his hand, Stiles looked inside the glass to look at the rum that sat in it. The painful screams from the side of the room were something the teen was trying to ignore.

   It had been a week or two since the Hotel room moment Stiles had with Klaus. Ever since they been on the road, and now all the traveling had been paid off; seeing they got their hands on a werewolf with a pack.

   Without using physical touch, the teen practiced using his powers and levitated the cup up towards his mouth. White wisps of power floated around the cup as if showing the intense power the teen had. But before the teen could finish getting a sip, the cup started to shake before falling; only to be caught by Klaus who had his annual smirk on display.

   "You're getting better, love." Klaus set the cup down, also ignoring the darts Stefan has been throwing into the werewolf.

   Stiles glanced at the hybrid a ghost of a smile on his face, "I had a good teacher-" taking his time Stiles finally gives Klaus his full attention, "-Can I ask you something?"

    Klaus made a quick glance at Stefan who was torturing the werewolf they found, before looking back at Stiles, "Ask away."

   "How do you know so much about what I am?"

   Klaus seemed to flinch as if the question's answer physically hurt him. Yet he was subtle about the surprise question. The only person who caught the hybrid's true reaction was Stiles. The hybrid teen seems more intrigued now than ever; wanting to know the answer even more.

   Klaus stood up and motioned Stiles to follow him, which lead them over to Stefan, "Keep prying for answers. I'll be taking my leave for now. Expect me back in a few hours." Receiving a nod from the reaper, Klaus and Stiles made their way outside into the car.

   The suspense seemed to have been building up in Stiles as the teen's ADHD was in full swing. Sitting in the black van Stiles spoke first, "So, are you going to tell me?"

   Klaus smirked while leaning in his seat, one hand was on the wheel and he gave the Stilinski a look, "Impatient are we, " The older hybrid started the engine and then moved to pull out away from the bar, "Don't worry I will tell you what I know. We just have to get somewhere first."

I Am Not Afraid / Stiles Stilinski / discontinued Where stories live. Discover now