[3] Hums' of annoyance

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"And I'm feeling like a ghostAnd it's what I hate the most'Cause I'm giving up againAnd this time (this time, this time)"

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"And I'm feeling like a ghost
And it's what I hate the most
'Cause I'm giving up again
And this time (this time, this time)"

"This time I might just disappear
This time I might just dis
This time I might just disappear
This time I might just dis"

-Ghost; Mystery Skulls

[A/n] Warning, this chapter isn't the best nor do I like it. Yet, it will remain in the story still.

HE JUST COULDN'T get over about what just happened. His best friend- His brother gave him to a vampire. The Nogitsune actually cared enough to curse him before being forced out of Stiles's mind. And his father has a supernatural secret about his lineage. The agony in his heart wouldn't stop, It was like his heart was pulsing out screams and cries throughout him. And in a way, Stiles was crying. But he couldn't let that show, because he couldn't let them know about how he feels.

"Why?" Stiles finally spoke out.

"Stiles it's not what it seems-" Scott reached out to Stiles.

"No! I don't want an excuse! Tell me why McCall!" Stiles snapped at Scott.

"Stiles- what Katherine said wasn't fully true. She took Kira and has been torturing the girl in the other room. She wouldn't stop until we told her where you were." Lydia pushed Scott away from Stiles and tried to explain herself.

"Basically we had to choose. Kira- a lightening Kitsune. Or Stiles, the human possessed kid who kept himself in his room for weeks." Derek said flatly, "And we choose Kira. Because unlike you, she was there with all of us through the mess, you made." Derek growled out only for Scott to growl back at the sour wolf.

"Stop it, Derek! You can't just-"

"What? He can't just what Scott? Say the truth!" Stiles yelled at him once thought to be a brother.

Noah took a step towards Stiles only for the boy to step away, "Why does it feel like everything you all have told me, ever! Has only been lies?!" Stiles yelled but his voice had cracked through his words. "I trusted you all! Been by your side since day one Scott! Been fighting to be by yours, Lydia. Helped you all in little too big ways! But when I need your help! It's my fault?! You know what, it probably is! I mean my own mother kept saying I'm the reason why she was dying! I killed all those people. Because I let that damn fox in!" Stiles kicked a random broken frame away from him, only for it to crash against the wall. And be embedded into it, as if Stiles had supernatural strength.

"I trusted all of you!" Tears were Stiles's main thought, as he felt the cooling liquid fall down his face, "keyword T R U S T E D cause I don't anymore." He snarked angerly before heading out of the loft. The only thing was his father was blocking his way.

"Move-" Stiles didn't get to finish before Noah whistled softly into Stiles' ear, making the boy pass out and go limp.

"What did you do too-" The pack began only for Noah to glare at them.

"I don't want any of you contacting my son again! You lost the right to even look in his direction." Noah's eyes were pure white and moved like a wave. Causing the pack to back up away from the older Stilinski.

"You- you can't do that." Malia coughed as she finally awoke.

"No, you can't do that. But I can. Now- "Noah then whistled once more, causing the pack to slowly all pass out with no real fight. "Goodnight, mutts." Noah huffed out before picking up Stiles and walking out of the loft.


A GROAN OF unknowing released itself from the younger Stilinski's mouth. Stiles's eyes softly opened to see he was on a plane up in the air. He quickly bolted upright, eyes wide from what he woke up to. The teen was about to panic until a hand grasped his shoulder.

"Stiles, you're safe." Stiles's father, Noah spoke softly.

Stiles narrowed his eyes at his father. A man who was acting as if he didn't just shelve something about their lineage from him, "Okay, I know you're mad at me, Mischief-" Stiles hasn't heard that nickname in a while, "But we're two hours away from Georgia- so let's wait until we get into Mystic Falls before I answer your questions." Noah sighed in defeat.

Stiles glares at his father, and his arms made way to fold against his chest. He was angry that his father hid something from him. So, being the understanding, nice, and lovely son he was. Stiles ignored his father the whole plane ride.

Of course, the only way to be able to ignore the man sitting next to him. Was to put headphones on and blast his ears with music. And of course- that is what happened.

🌟"You caught me off guard
Now I'm running and screaming"🌟

🌟"I feel like a hero
And you're my heroine
Do you know that your love is the sweetest sin?"🌟

     Do you think that was the only song he listened to? During his time listening to music. He came to the conclusion that annoying people was fun. Which caused him to start humming loudly to the song that weaved itself inside his ears.

"Locked up, naked with socks
I'm watching the phone ring
It's making me angry
It's making me mad"

     If truth be told, Stiles felt like this song kind of expressed what he was feeling. Not to be clitché or anything. But music does say the things you can't day yourself.

"Maxed out, minimum wage
My brain is a time bomb
I'm saying goodbye, mom
I'll see you again"

Yah, this song defiantly fits him perfectly. Stiles's thoughts were things he couldn't control anymore lately. They just wouldn't stop. And the more he thought about what happened. The angrier he was able to achieve pulsing through his blood. Like a burning pain under his ski.

"Striking a pose
Smiling in photos without any reason
With people that I'll never know
I'm out of control, live in a fictional prose
I took an oath, it's killing me though
'Cause I don't believe in the things that I do"

"And now my favorite color is blue"

Huh? Blue is a nice color. Stiles admits that- but red always was his color. He even has his famous red hoodie on at the moment. Why change his culture look, for a bunch of low life friends?

Noah nudged the teen's shoulder getting his attention, "The planes about the land. I suggest you put away anything you took out."

Not showing any acknowledgment that he heard his father's words. Stiles just gives an irritating hum from the song he hears playing against his ears. That being heard, he put away anything left out around him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. We are about to land in Georgia state; Denvard. We hope the ride wasn't too bad for you all. Please enjoy your stay here." The announcements went off, causing Stiles to release a grunt of 'thank fucking gods.' That he'll be off this plane soon.

"Finally, Home," Noah whispered harshly under his breath.

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