[2] You- What!

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   IF Stiles could delete his life and restart he would

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   IF Stiles could delete his life and restart he would. He wishes there was an undo button that he can click. After he told his dad about the letter. Stiles was left with no other explanation but a; "Pack your bags, for a week trip." Stiles didn't even know when they were leaving. Which made him get irritated with his father. The teen was in his room now, and night slowly approaching. The night was something he feared- not for its dark aspects or IT itself. But for how night brought one thing to the Stilinski- Sleep.

     But in a way, Stiles has some understanding of what his father was doing. Packing up, and leaving to go to this bizarre place called Mystic Falls- probably was for the best. May the teen not like it. But things have been different, ever since the nogitsune.

     Even the Theo visit, gave the teen an unsettling feeling. Yet he didn't tell his friends about Theo at the moment. He wanted to tell them in person. But most things don't happen as planned. Stiles should have remembered that.

    Stiles sat on his bed, finishing his homework for the day. He kind of scoffed, when hearing the ring tone for Scott's number go off. With a huff, he unlocked his phone and answered.
     "This is Stiles, I'm tired why are you calling, Stilinski." Stiles sassed into the phone.

        "Sti-" Hearing the sadness in Scott's voice. Stiles began to worry, "It's Lydia, S-she's. Come to the loft." Stiles' throat seemed to swell as he heard this. Before he can respond, Scott ended the call.

    "Oh gods," Stiles scrambled off his bed and threw his shoes on. Stiles' eye's held worry as he slammed his bedroom door open and ran down the stairs.

   Before he was able to run out the door, his father stopped him, "Where do you think, you're going?"

    "Something's wrong with Lydia." Was all Stiles said before trying to get out of his father's grip.

    Noah tightened his hold on his son's arm, "You'll not be running out of this house. We're leaving, right now. Grab your stuff and let's go."

"What?!" Stiles was lost for words, "Just because of some stupid letter we're leaving? Or is it something else!" Stiles snapped at his father, "Why do you want to leave so bad? Can't yo-"

      Stiles may have some understanding of why his father wants to leave. But that doesn't mean he was on board with it. And with the stress, events, and drama racing through his skull. The teen couldn't hold his anger back.

   "I made a promise to Mystic Falls. And I tend on keeping that promise." His father spoke like he was talking about a secret, "Get your stuff- and let's go. Now, Stiles." Noah let go of Stiles' forearm, leaving red marks on his skin. The teen look at his father was narrowed eyes.

   Stiles stormed up to his room. He left the door open to not make his father suspicion about anything. The teen had a plan. One that was whispered to him from the darkest part of his mind. Stiles grabbed his packed duffle bag and backpack. Making sure everything he needed was in it. He put his stuff on the roof through his window. He then went onto the roof himself and slowly got down into his backyard. He was getting to the loft, something happened and he needed to know. No matter, even if his dad is forcing him on a week trip that wasn't even planned, until the day they're leaving.

Stiles escaped his backyard and sneaked all the way to the front, where his jeep is at. Staying silent as he put his stuff in his jeep. Stiles finally turned the engine on. Which got his father's attention.

  "Stiles!" Stiles heard his name being called but ignored it and pulled out of the driveway. Heading straight for Derek's loft-like his life depended on it.


  KNOCKING on the door he used to walk in so freely. Pain from Stiles' heart, squeezed his beating organ. He used to walk so freely pass those doors- before him. Before Void made a way into his life. Before he tricked Stiles, and even though Void wasn't tethered to Stiles's mind anymore. It doesn't mean he wasn't there. He was in Stiles's memories, his heart. Betrayal hurts, and Stiles knows that now. At least he thought he knew the full extent of it.

     The door opened slowly as if the person opening it was hesitating, "Is everyone okay? Where Lydia? What happened-" Stiles was cut off when he saw Derek's blank look. He was also in shock to see his friends scattered around the room, bleeding, bruised while staring at a woman who sat in the middle of the room with her feet on Liam's back, using him as a footrest. Malia was passed out against a wall, looking like she fought a losing battle with a lion.
    Lydia was sitting next to the odd women, and Scott was on her other side. The women were leaning on Scott with a smirk gracing her face as she spotted Stiles. Lydia whimpered as the women made a move sitting up. The rest of the pack wasn't in sight. Not even Issac, Cora, Kira- the listing of names stopped as the women clapped.

   "So, this is the first-ever Nogitsune Survivor. The famous Stiles Stilinski." The woman stood up, "You don't look like much-" She stopped as she examines Stiles who was pushed into the loft by Derek.

    "-Nevermind. The look in your eyes and the darkness radiating off you makes me wonder." She seemed to disappear as she sped behind Stiles. The women were about to take a bite out of Stiles's neck but as her teeth touched the teens' skin. A dark mass pushed her away, making her fly into the door.

  "Ah, I see the Nogitsune left you a gift." She chuckled before speeding away from the door and back on the couch laying on Lydia and Scott. "The name is Katherine, and your friends here lead you, straight to me." She seemed to stretch that truth so it hurt Stiles all the more.

    "What-" Stiles didn't know what was happening. But hearing that his pack- No, his friend's- gave him up to this woman. Hurt, it hurt a lot. He didn't get to finish his sentence as the woman Katherine continued.

    "It was simple really, take a member of the pack- Kira, right? Well, I took her and said-" Katherine explained her plan, "Give me Stiles, Or the girl dies. Loverboy here-" She patted Scott's cheek, "Went straight for saving his girl. I mean, since your werewolf type bites don't kill me, the plan was unbearably easy." She seemed to mock the pack in her words.

   "Who are you," Stiles grunted out through his clenched teeth.

     "Katherine. Didn't you hear that, sweetheart?" She teased Stiles.
    "I didn't mean that I meant-" Stiles glanced at the floor, his breath getting uneven, "What are you."

   Katherine giggled and let her Vampire face show, "Well, I'm a Vampire." Stiles' throat seemed to swell slightly as he choked on air at what she said, "And I was here to make you help me hide from a certain group of people, because of your gifts, the Nogitsune gave you. But- you don't even know what you possess! Or what you are! Even this pack thought you were human!" Katherine stood up and was walking to Stiles.

"Your ancestor, from your father's side was the  Adarna. It took me a while to find that information, but after some compelling and research, I realized why the Nogitsune was so, intrigued by you. You had a hidden power, that you never even knew about. Cause dear old daddy, kept it from you-" Before she can continue a familiar voice reached Stiles' ears.

   "Katherine, That's enough." Noah stood in the doorway, looking at the Vampire.

   "Ah- the man of the hour. Noah- how long has it been, twenty. No, twenty-seven years since our last meeting-" she didn't get to finish as Noah(Stiles father) shot at Katherine. Making her fall to her knees, "Ugh, wooden bullets. I thought we were friends." She teased, ripping the bullets out.

   "Leave, Katherine. You're not welcome here." Everyone seemed to watch the two. Scott was slowly getting up, letting his wolf come up from under his skin. Liam also started to partly transform. Derek maintains his urge to rip the vampire apart since Katherine was facing his way. And Lydia stayed where she was.

   "We'll meet again, Baby Stilinski." Katherine ignored Noah, "And I'll make you mine-" Noah shot another bullet and Katherine vanished from the room. Leaving everyone to themselves.

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