A Nice Feeling |4|

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Larry's POV

We sat at the table and ate, we all respectfully didn't watch Sally eat. He seemed to be having a good time though, I smiled to myself and took another bite.

"Thank you, mamá" she squeezed my hand, "de nada mi hijo"

Lake was giggling and it looks like Sal had finished eating, because he was giggling with her. I smiled watching the two, he really does seem like a good person.

"Can we get ice cream?" Lake asked excitedly

I smiled, "of course" I blushed watching as Sally's eyes lit up like a kid's...I can't see his face, but...he's so cute.

My mom nudged me and I looked at her, she just gave me a cheeky smile wiggling her eyebrows, I blushed more. "I'll get four bowls." I stood up quickly and made my way to the fridge.

"W-Wait! I'll help!" Sally followed behind, I looked at my mom and she flashed me another smile, I blushed and turned away, "can you get out some bowls? They're in that cupboard" I saw him nod and reach for the cabinet,

He didn't reach it right away, I just smiled to myself, "having trouble shortie?" He huffed "neverrrr"

I stepped towards him, opened the cabinet and got the bowls. "you can scoop" I said with a chuckle, his eyes crinkled as he nodded,


All four of us sat in the living room, mom was asking Sal questions.

"Where are you from?" My mom asked smiling widely
"Oh I'm from New Jersey!"

My mom giggled, "I can tell by your accent. So Sal, who'd you move here with?"

"His name is Gizmo," my heart stopped for a second "he's my cat" I scooped ice cream in my mouth avoiding my thoughts,

"Wait, but you're about the same age as Larry, aren't you? What about your parents?"

Sal shifted, he looked uncomfortable. "Well I...I live alone, my parents died when I was younger. My Nan pays for my college with the deal that I live off of my own." My mom suddenly hugged him,

"Sweetie...I'm so sorry. You always have a home here, okay? Come down whenever!" Sal has started crying and so had my mom, "t-thank you...so much."

Their crying soon turned into laughing, as Lake jumped on them, "I WANT A HUG TOO" she screamed and practically body slammed them,

It was a collection of laughter before sally held out his arm, "come join Larry!" I blushed when he said my name, his accent was heavy. It seemed to come and go with the different words.

I smiled and joined them in a hug,

Sorry, It's a short chapter! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE NICE COMMENTS YOU MADE!! Y'all are really amazing! And of course I'm going to continue this story, I don't think I could discontinue this if I tried. 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝

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