Its Getting Worse |7 1/2|

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Sal's POV
"Yeah? Come on in." The red head responded, stepping to the side to allow me entrance. His monotone voice had a hint of concern in it, "so what's the problem Sal?" he said, shutting the door behind me.

"Can you do research on something for me...?" His eyes sparkled

"Is that even a question? Heck yeah I will!" I smiled as he got really enthusiastic about it

"Good, I need as much information as you can find on this disease, it's called Hanahaki Disease." He nodded, his eyes still sparkling with excitement. "I also have if you wanted to, you can use it to help with the research." I handed him the small baggie with one of the flowers I coughed up.

He nodded and smiled widely, rushing to his room and practically slamming the door, I laughed to myself and stepped out of his front door. "He always did love his research."


I knocked on the familiar apartment door, and after about a minute I was met with Lisa's beautiful smile, "Sal!" She threw her thin arms around me, squeezing me in her embrace. I grimaced for a second, but then hugged her back. Who knew such a small lady was so strong? Not me.

She rubbed my back as I walked inside. I got halfway through the hallway, before I almost fell backwards when I got the wind knocked out of me by a little bunch of curly brown hair. "SALLY!!!" She had jumped and latched onto my torso,

I laughed and held onto her, twirling her around in my arms, "Hey Lake!" She giggled as I set her down. I suddenly started to cough, covering my mouth with my arm instinctively and turning away from them. The coughing turned violent and I ran to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

I rip off my mask and cough into the sink, spurts of blood splash against the white granite. I felt someone's trembling hand on my back, I must've not locked the door. I freeze when they touch me, but my coughing fit don't play those games.

And I was soon hunched over again, a small pool of blood formed at the bottom at the sink. Eventually I felt something at the back of my throat, so I desperately reached in and pulled it out carefully.

Another flower, this time with a small stem...I sighed in relief and leaned against the countertop, holding onto my throat. This is the worst one yet...and someone had to witness it. I glance at the poor person who the trembling hand belonged to...of course it had to be Lisa, she's too pure for this world. She didn't deserve to see this.

She looks mortified by the scene of the sink and the flower, I wipe my mouth with my sleeve, turning and pulling her into a hug. "S-Sal..." I hush her with a hoarse voice and rub her back. "I's okay."

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