Dreams Decay |20|

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Hello...let me just say I'm sorry and if anyone will ever read this, thank you. I've been a bit reluctant to do anything with this ship, but I don't want to leave any story behind because I do genuinely enjoy writing it. It deserves the ending I had planned from the beginning, and that is what it'll get. Although this chapter is not the end, it's the start of the conclusion of this book. Thank you for all the comments, I read them all and I really love seeing your reactions, so please continue to do that. I love you and thank you for your patience. I'm okay and hopefully, you are too. Enjoy! <3

Larry's POV:

The light of my t.v. flickered with a sudden harshness as Sal left the room. He had knocked a cord out of place on his way out. The static white noise startlingly filled the air in rapid succession, before it seemed to quiet and blend into the background.

"Cheap ass cords..." I hissed, moving and turning the t.v. off instead of messing around with it. The room fell into a soft silence, it's been pretty rough, so it was a welcome change. It was short-lived, as a booming thud interrupted it. I got up, and immediately horrible thoughts flooded my mind. The worst-case scenario came to fruition as I opened the bathroom door.

"Hey, that didn't sound good, is everything okay over here, boys?" the sound of my mom's voice, "Mi Hijo..? What's the matter?" she asked, setting a hand on my shoulder. She saw what I saw, but unlike me, she reacted quickly. My mom pushed past me and got to the ground to help the weak blue-haired man. "Sal? Sally, can you hear me? Larry, call 911! Call for an ambulance!" not even the frantic tone brought me back. The next thing I knew, I was on the phone with the operator.

"We need an ambulance..." I said, giving the person on the other end an address. All I could do is watch as my mom started to do CPR on my best friend. My body seemed to move on its own as the operator continued to talk. I unlocked the back door and opened it for easy access to our apartment. It felt as if I had been watching a scene in a movie. Everything was okay, at least it seemed like it. Why does he hide this stuff from me? I just want to help him. I just want him to be okay, but he isn't okay. I take a seat on the couch, my brain finally placing itself back in my head, as I tighten my fingers into my hair. 'It's a good thing Lake is asleep because she doesn't need this kind of trauma going through her beautiful head of hers.' I thought, hearing the ambulance sirens, and eventually, the EMTs stormed through the backdoor after they found us. They took over the chest compressions from my mom, and they got Sal on a gurney and into the back of the vehicle.

"Larbear, I know this is scary, but you need to go with him, okay?" she tried to console me with a clear twinge in her voice. "I'll meet you there, now go!" she pushed me in with them before they had closed the doors. I can hardly watch as they try to keep the blueberry alive.

"You can do it, Sally..." I mutter, taking one of his limp hands in mine, "you're stronger than this stupid thing". I hold onto his cold hand as if to transfer life from me to him. It's unbearable to think I'm absolutely incapable of helping him in any way. The memories of our friendship run through my mind as if we're watching some old film we found and decided to play it for the fun of it. Please don't go...not yet, not just yet. I haven't had enough time with you, Sally...please.


Sally's POV:

"Please just stop!" I said, feeling a lump get stuck in my throat.

"Sal..." Larry's voice seemed to fade. I turn my head to look back at him, but what was left of the man I knew phased into the surroundings. Horrified, I stood up and took notice of what was around me. The glistening white snow blended into the trees, and then the trees into the sky. Everything melted in front of my eyes, the neons of the billboard twisted and turned.

"What the fuck is this?" My head swirled along with my world. Where am I? What's happening? Larry? "Larry, please, I need to see Larry" I tried to focus.

"Sally...please..." his voice echoed. When I opened my eyes, there he stood in front of me with the stupidest toothy grin of his.

"Larry! Larry, don't move, don't disappear..." I moved towards him as he waited there for me. standing in front of him, I heard the sound of small feet tapping along the non-existent floor ring out.

"Sally~! Lar~!" a tiny voice called, the footsteps getting quicker. When I looked, I felt a small warmth wrap around my leg.

"Blake..!" I say with a wide smile, picking her up and hugging her as tight as I could. Lisa followed after the little girl, joining in on the embrace. Larry, the last one to join in, wrapped his arms around the ball of love.

"I love you, Sally."

Hopefully, I won't take as long for the next part. See you soon. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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