Surreal |19|

756 37 45

Can lying be justified?

Of course, it can. If you can protect the ones you love from a whole world of hurt...I think so, but you can never truly tell whether your lie will be overturned or if they won't find out at all. Maybe the lie will be untwined piece by piece or the truth will explode out with a burning flame of vicious words, or in the best-case scenario, the lie will sit comfortably in the person's mind with an ignorant bliss, making sure they never see the painful truth.

But Larry's not letting it go...If I don't talk to him about it, he'll know and continue to bug me until I tell him. Though...maybe it'll be too late at that point for me to properly say goodbye to him. If anything I need to make sure that I, at the very least, say goodbye.

It was a dark, peaceful night as we made the trek up to the rooftop, the sound of Larry humming a tune echoed through the empty stairwell. As we pushed open the heavyset roof door, a warm gush of air rushed past us.

A soft sigh left my lips as I stepped out with Larry and stood on the rooftop, it felt amazing to be outside. "Mmm~ what a lovely night, Huh..?" I asked, taking my time and basking in the light of the moon.

"Yeah...yeah, it is..." Larry responded, stepping over to the edge to look out over the snow-covered land.

Snow..? That's weird...but it's so warm—

"Sally..? Are you okay..?" Larry had put his arm around my shoulders.

"Huh? O-Oh! Yeah, I'm okay Lar, don't worry too much..." I hummed softly, leaning into my friend as we both took a seat on the edge of the rooftop with our bowls of ice cream.

Why did we decide that eating ice cream in the snow was a good thing..?

I looked up at Larry to find his toothy grin waiting for me, my thoughts melt away at the sight of it. I feel a warmth in my chest, suddenly being able to breathe a little clearer.

"So, talk to me, Fisher..." Larry's grin seemed to slowly mold into a worried smile, "you've been worrying me for a while now and I need to know what's happening...don't keep me in the dark."

I sigh softly and look out over the town again, "It's better if you don't know..." I keep my voice soft as we sit there, "I don't want our time together to be ruined by me."

Larry seemed a bit hurt at the words, but I know he wouldn't say anything, "you're always keeping things from me Sal...always," a twinge in his voice as he spoke.

I cringe slightly, this whole thing sounded like it came from some writer's stupid fanfiction, "Look, it's rough and I don't want to ruin our friendship, I don't want to feel your pity or any awkwardness, therefore...I'd rather not say!"

There was a moment of silence, which got me thinking. Why did it snow? I thought our snowy days were over..?

This feels so weird, I feel so weird.

"You know..." Larry starts up again, "I always thought that billboard looked silly there..." he said and chuckled dryly, pointing towards the said billboard. I guess he was trying to lighten the mood so I humored him, looking over and immediately getting a headache.

It was so blurry, the more I tried to read it the more it hurt my brain, "A-Ah...Yeah, I guess so..." I laughed along, shaking my head and glancing away from it.



"Alright...I'll tell you..." It's not like I could hide it, so I'll tell him part of the truth. "I fell in love with someone..." I started in a quiet voice, "and they don't feel the same way I do."

I swallowed a lump in my throat, "Because they don't...reciprocate those feelings, flowers started to grow in my lungs..." I try not to look at the brunette as I speak, I'm worried he'll think I'm insane or something. "It's really rare, it's considered to practically be a fictional disease, but somehow I have it."

"Is there any way to treat it..?" Larry spoke up.

"Ah...yes, kind of..." I sighed softly, preparing myself to deliver the news. "There are two ways you can get rid of it...the first way is getting that person you love to feel the same way..." I hummed, "the other way is surgery."

Larry huffed and looked out over the town, "And why can't you do the surgery..?"

"Well...firstly it's incredibly expensive, and I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm practically broke," I chuckled dryly and set my bowl down.

"And secondly..?"

"Secondly, when it's finished, you won't be capable of love ever again...of any type," I say, pressing my suddenly cold hands together.

It's silent for a moment between the two of us, an unusual, awkward tension growing between us as the silence went on. The wall of tension melting away once Larry set a hand on mine, "Who the hell is this person anyway? Who wouldn't love you, you're amazing!"

I let out a huff and kept a sad smile, "I don't know..." I hum out, "I'm pretty sure they're dating someone, they don't even know how much I love them."

Larry scoffed, "I'm sure you're a 100x better than whatever they're with. If you don't try, Blue, you can't succeed..." he talked and talked about how I should just try and confess to who I love and it might turn out well.

"Larry! Larry. Please, just stop, okay..? I don't want to hear this right's making me nauseous..." I groan and move my hand from his.

Larry, you clueless bitch...why can't you just figure it out already..?

I'm so sorry this took so long so please enjoy this fan art horriel27 did of the story!! Thank you so much for this art, it's beautiful and you're so kind 🥺🥺💙💜

I'm so sorry this took so long so please enjoy this fan art horriel27 did of the story!! Thank you so much for this art, it's beautiful and you're so kind 🥺🥺💙💜

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