Growth is Normal...right? |15|

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Larry insisted that he stay with me at my apartment for at least one night, 'for me' of course, but I just think he doesn't want to be alone. Not that I mind, I love him, he's my best friend, it's just...why does Phillip have to be the reason he stays here..?

Whatever Sal...don't overthink it, you'll only throw yourself into a coughing fit. I sigh and unlock my apartment door, the almost empty apartment let a small gust of cold air which hit us both in the face. I frown and bite my lip as I think about my bedroom. There's a cardboard box that I use for a nightstand and a mattress on the door that I sleep on with an old pillow and a Sanity's fall blanket, that I got for my birthday from Lisa. I usually spend my time at Larry's so I always forget I have practically nothing in my apartment.

"Oh uh...hey Lar..?" I say softly, turning towards him. Larry looks at me with his beautiful brown eyes, ugh...just stop pleaseeee.

"How about we stay at your place..? It feels more like home there," I say softly. He seems to understand and doesn't fight me on it, "Oh...yeah sure, Blue! My mom will be happy to see ya, she really missed you." He said with a light adorable, handsome chuckle.

God...his voice is so low and sexy and— nope. I stop myself and shut my door quickly, grabbing Larry's hand and tugging him towards the elevator, as if I can run from the thoughts.


When we got there Lisa practically attacked me with a hug and Gizmo was acting really clingy since I hadn't seen him for a while. I gave my kid some attention and Lisa gave us some cookies she made before she left us alone.

Larry and I talked and laughed and played video games as we stuffed ourselves with Lisa's delicious homemade cookies. After a few hours, it's late and I'm exhausted, so I let Larry know I'll be right back.

I step into the bathroom and lock the door. "Ugh..." I groan softly as I turn to face the mirror. I've been wearing my prosthetic all day, even with Larry. I haven't been able to actually face him after I failed to answer him about what I have and what's happening, so my face is hella sore.

I reach up and unclip the damn deathtrap from my face, letting out a soft sigh of relief as the cool air touched my sensitive skin. "Mmf..." I hum and look up, my eye widening at the sight.


What. The. Fuck.

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