Here goes nothing. |11|

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Sals POV

"Well, I..." What do I tell him?! "I uh..." That it's his fault?! That I'm going to die in a few weeks?!

"Please..." Larry whimpers and steps over to the hospital bed.

I looked away and as soon as I did, I felt warmth surround my cold hand. "Talk...please..."

I sigh and look at his teary, honey colored eyes. "Fine...Hanahaki Dis—"

I was interrupted by three loud knocks. Larry quickly wiped his eyes and stumbled to his feet, dragging himself to the door. Larry doesn't like people to see him cry, though he can cry in front of-

"Oh hey, babe..." Those three words immediately derailed my train of thoughts. I frown and stare at the beaming blue-haired boy in the doorway. His appearance seemed to light up the room.

The two embraced, Larry held onto Phillip as if his life depended on it. My heart aches, but not only that I started to choke and cough. Fuck, not again.

The two rushed two my side, Phillip put his hand on my arm. "Sally...are you okay?" I jerked my arm away and pushed my face into the crevice of my elbow. His face scrunched up in frustration. "Fine." He turned on his heel and stormed out.

Larry groaned a little. "What the hell, Sal? He was just trying to help!" I clawed at my throat, his mad expression softening immediately. He sat on the edge of my bed and rubbed my back.

"I'm so sorry..." he cooed. I felt my throat sting I quickly point towards the small bucket sitting on the table. Larry looked confused and handed it to me. I hunched over it puking into it. Tears stream down my cheeks as quiet sobs and gasps escape my lips after the vomit does.

I feel Larry pull my hair back gently and put it up.

Larry's POV

Eventually, Sal stops vomiting and the only sound that is heard in the room is his uneven panting and soft sobs. He doesn't deserve this...

He sits up a little and I try to take the small bucket from him. His hands grip it a little tighter, but soon let go. I take it from him and stand up to empty it into the toilet.

As I turn the light on to the bathroom, I can't help but glance down at the puke. The color blue catches my eye.

My heart drops, blue flowers and blood fill the bucket. "No..." I blink my eyes in disbelief. "I-I must be seeing things..." I set the bucket on the bathroom counter and step out, not bothering to turn the light off.

I have to be seeing things. Flowers??? Did he just throw No no no, I'm stupid. My eyes are playing tricks on me. I've been in this hospital too long. I feel light-headed as I step out of the dark room and into the bright hallway.

Groaning and shutting my eyes tightly. "" I make my way to the front doors, stumbling outside. The ground was dimly tinted with light orange, from the sunset. "Why...why him..?" I accidentally say out loud.

"It should be me..."

Sal's POV

Of course, I didn't even get to tell him. What is this? Some kind of sick joke? Making me almost tell him and when I'm ready, just taking it away just like that.

I try to stand up, exhaustion suddenly washes over my body and my legs give out from under me. As I hit the floor with a loud thud and a grunt. I hear a gasp and small footsteps. "Oh my god...Sal are you okay?" I know that voice.

"I-I-I" I can't even manage to speak because of my throat.

"Don't strain's okay." It's Phillip, of all people...ugh. "Can we get some help in here?!" He yells out into the hallway. After a few minutes, I feel hands struggling to pull me up.

"Wh-Whats happening?!" Larry...

The hands let go of me in surprise and I hit the floor again with a groan. I hear heavy footsteps and talking. I didn't bother to listen, I was more focused on my pain.

Suddenly, I was lifted into the air like it was nothing. "Tsk, he doesn't even weigh that much. You guys should've been able to pick him up easily." Larry hummed as he held me. I opened my heavy eyes. I hadn't even realized I closed them. Huh.

Larry's eyes meet mine. "Hey, blue. What're you trying to get outta bed for? You're gonna get yourself hurt." I can barely focus on what he's saying. His face is so close to mine.

My mind wanders to how easy it would be to kiss him right now. How soft and sweet his lips are. Maybe they taste like mint or cigarettes or strawberries.

Just kiss him goddamnit!

;^) that's the end of chapter 11!!
I hope y'all don't hate me for not updating for a while, though I doubt you do.

Stay safe lovelies!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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