Thorns |5|

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Sal's POV

I've known Larry for a few months now...and he cares about me...he brings me lunch every day, be it at my work or when I'm at home. He makes sure I'm okay at the end of each day and helps me out with my night terrors. I always feel so happy when I'm with him. I think...I think I might...

I shake my head getting rid of the thoughts, I have to work in a couple minutes so I should enjoy my time while I can. I take a drag of my cigarette and exhale slowly, letting the smoke pour from my mouth.

I drop the butt of the cigarette on the ground and crush it with the toe of my shoe. I fix my apron and my hair, right before I start to violently cough. "F-Fuck!" I'm able to spit out that word with a raspy voice

I fall to my knees holding my throat, the coughing won't stop to let me breathe. I hit my chest hard and I'm able to cough whatever I had breathed in. I looked at the grey concrete below me, a single blue flower was surrounded by spurts of blood.

I wipe my mouth on my sleeve examining the crimson smear, I mean I can't just up and go? I need the money...I pull out a small plastic bag from the pocket of my apron and picked it up, carefully rolling it and setting it back into the same pocket.

I checked the time, re-clipping the bottom strap of my prosthetic and stepping inside.
It'll have to wait...


I take the baggie out of the pocket and set it gently in my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. I huff, hanging up my apron and walking outside.

I'm surprised to see a smiling Larry leaning against his car. I chuckle and walk towards him, "you didn't have to pick me up, I'm fine with taking the bus" he rolled his eyes and opened the door for me, "whatever Blue, just get in."

I got in and he shut the door, as I was buckling my seatbelt. He got in doing the same and pulling out of the parking lot.

"Hey uh Larry, do you think you could drop me off somewhere, and come get me later?" He nodded, "is everything alright?" His voice sounded worried, i hummed in agreement "just gotta pick up a prescription." I lied to him, surprisingly well actually

"Where do you need to be dropped off at?" The hospital, "Chance Street" it's about a block from the hospital and near the pharmacy I usually go to. He nodded and took a right.

When we got there I thanked him and waved as he drove off. This'll take a few hours.


after two hours of waiting and people staring, they finally called me in. "Sal Fisher?" A nurse called me up, I stepped over to her, "right this way sir"

She led me to a small examining room, "the doctor will be with you in one moment, please take a seat." I nodded and sat up on the table, god...I hate this place.

After a few minutes a doctor opens the door and smiles at me, he had perfect white teeth and slicked back hair, he stepped in fully and closed the door behind him, "Hello Mr.Fisher"

I pulled out the small baggie and held it out to him, "getting right down to business aren't we? He chuckled softly and looked into the bag, his smile turned into a confused frown.

"I coughed that up..." I said softly, my throat was still hurting, so I wanted to save my voice. His eyes went wide and began inspecting the flower, he scribbled something down and set the flower back in the bag.

"Wait here, I need to call someone in" he gave me a reassuring smile, "everything is okay"

I nodded and he opened the door and talked to a nurse. Not even 5 minutes later a tall lady walked through the door, "you called, Dr. Garcia?" He nodded and handed her the bag, then turned to me, "Mr.Fisher this is Dr.Opel, she's a Hanahaki specialist."

Hanahaki? What the hell is that?

She frowned as her gloved fingers ran over the blue petals, "it's a Blue Waterleaf Flower" her eyebrows furrowed, "meaning?" Dr.Garcia said impatiently 

"they have thorns"

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