Just Sick |6|

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Sal's POV

I watched as Larry's black sleek truck pulled up to the curb once again, I reached for the metal handle, but before I could reach it I started to cough.

"What's 'hanahaki' disease?" I asked, shifting on the table,
They stared at me with pity in their eyes, I hated that look...

Larry rubbed my back as My violent coughing fit came to a close, I hadn't even made it to the car handle...the cold air stung my raw throat. The thorns created open wounds and the coughing has left my throat tender and sore.

"There's flowers growing in your lungs Sal."

Larry pulled me up by my arm "woah dude, are you okay?"

I nodded slowly and grabbed the cold metal door handle, pulling it open and stepping up into his Truck

"You love someone and they don't love you back..."

I stared out the window as the trees whisked by, we haven't talked the whole car ride and we both haven't even dared to turn up the music to clear the air.

"Okay...but why the thorns?"
"The person you love, has a favorite flower that has them, it can't be helped."

I hugged my knees up onto the seat as I curled up. I wanted to scream and cry, but that wouldn't do any good. It wouldn't fix anything...but maybe it'd...make me feel better...?

"Can we stop for a moment?" I asked quietly and he nodded in response with a worried look on his face, pulling over to the side of the road

I got out and shut the door, before screaming at the top of my lungs for a long minute. I turned to get back in the car, but Larry was watching me with wide eyes.

I opened the door "dude what the hell was that?"
I gave him a smile, "a scream"

He was still sort of in shock as I got in and buckled myself in. I motioned to the road, "well, what're you waiting for? Let's go." He shook his head and cleared his throat starting the car and putting it into drive.

My chest felt a bit warmer, but the feeling went away a minute or so later.

"Will I be okay?"
"You can be."
"They can either fall in love with you and the flowers will stop growing or..."
"You can get surgery to remove the flowers, but once they're gone...so are the feelings you have for the person."

"Hey dude?" I hum in response, "I've gotta tell you something...and it's really important."

I held a lump in my throat from anxiety of his question. I turn to look at him, we're already parked in the parking lot of the apartments, he's smiling like an idiot,

"I like someone..." I felt my heart drop, "o-oh?" A light blush dusted his tanned cheeks, "and...It's a boy" I nodded, maybe it was me..? "His name is Phillip" I frowned, obviously it wouldn't be me. That's some romantic comedy bullshit.

I felt stinging in my throat so I quickly grabbed a napkin and pulled my mask up just enough so my mouth wasn't covered. I coughed into the napkin, the white tissue was littered with red crimson drops.

I reached into my mouth and pulled out a blue petal, hiding it in the napkin from Larry, "Are you good dude?" I nodded and left the bottom unclipped, just in case.

"I'm just sick..."

° ° ° ° ° °

I sat on the bathroom floor, tears stained my ugly scarred face, who the fuck even is Phillip? I grimaced at the name, I haven't seen Larry even talk to anyone else other than Me or Todd. I cried silently scratching at my wrists, "god fuck...I need to go somewhere..."

I got up dizzily, almost falling over. I stare at the white tile floor that's now covered in tissues, blue petals, and blood. I frowned at the sight and stumbled my way to my front door, the hard wood creaking with each step.

I clipped on my Prosthetic and made it out, the door slammed sending vibrations through my head, I groaned and got on the elevator pushing the button and shutting my eyes tight, I hope I pushed the right one...

I double checked the floor number, as the small ding yelled at me to get the fuck off. I groaned and knocked on Todd's door.

After a few minutes Todd's surprised face showed up, a smile formed on his lips as he pushed his glasses up his freckled nose. "Hello Sally."

"I need your help Todd."

this chapter is such trashhhhhhhhhhhh

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