Chapter Eight - Love

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You had nervously left the house after spending at least an hour with Taehyung, scratching his ears, kissing his nose, and promising that you'd be back. You kept your phone on full volume, in your hand as you shopped, even risking the ringer going off at the library. You knew that if Taehyung called and you missed it, he'd think the worst.

 But finally, you were at the checkout line in the grocery store, not even a full hour after you had left home, when your phone buzzed, ringtone blaring through the store. You answered it after barely looking at the contact, recognizing your home number.

"Hello? Taehyung, are you okay?"


"Taehyung? What do you mean?"

"Home, home please."

His voice broke, a choked sob coming through the phone.

"I'm coming honey, I'll be right there. Do you want me to stay on the phone?"


His speaking skills were slim to none but you were glad that you had forced him to learn yes and no. You abandoned your full shopping cart in the middle of a nearby aisle, running out of the store and to your car.

"I'm still here Taehyung, I'm right here. I just got to my car, I'm driving back now, okay? I'll be right there, I won't be long."

You paid no attention to the people you had passed in the parking lot, who's heads whipped towards each other when you had said 'Taehyung'. You didn't notice the fatigued hybrid that one of the men had on a tight leash, bruises littering her skin. You didn't notice them scramble back into their car, loosely following you all the way back to your house. But they were there, and they wanted their hybrid back.

Your drive home was filled with reassuring words towards the hybrid on the other end of the line, whimpers coming through every now and then. Taehyung was curled into a ball on your bed, buried under the blankets that smelled so strongly of you. His tears stained the sheets as he cried, your voice being the only thing keeping him from tearing apart anything else. His heart sunk as he remembered the mess he had created in your living room, anxiety prompting him to tear up the couch cushions, rip apart your slippers, he had really made a mess of everything.

You had screeched to a stop in your parking spot, practically vaulting out of the car to get to the front door. You unlocked it, slamming it shut behind you and calling out for the poor hybrid. You hadn't even noticed the shredded excuse of a couch that was in your living room, tatters of your shoes spread about, only caring about Taehyung.

"Taehyung? Taehyung honey where are you? Where did you go? I'm back home honey, I came back, where are you?" Your feet pounded up the stairs as you heard faint whimpers, a sigh or mixed relief and heartbreak escaping you when you saw the shaking lump under your blankets.

"Oh Taehyung..."

You sat on the edge of the bed, pulling back a corner of the covers to reveal the boy, wiping his cheeks as tears stained them. He jumped at your touch, throwing himself at you and wrapping himself around you.

"Home, home, home" He breathed the word like a mantra, clinging onto your smaller frame. His usually wagging tail was tucked under him, pressed tight against your leg and tickling it slightly. You comforted him, smoothing his hair and rubbing his ears, pressing a kiss to his forehead every once in a while. He wanted to look at you, see your face and make sure that he wasn't just dreaming, that you really had come home, so he moved his head up, keeping his cheek pressed against yours and observing you out of the corner of his eye. There were a few stray tears leaking from your eyes and he nudged them with his nose, getting the droplets off of your face. You raised your hands, wiping his tears away and he leaned into your touch, closing his eyes and focusing on the warmth that you brought. 

He loved you. He knew that from the day he met you, he loved the way you protected him, loved how caring you were towards him and the little bunny hybrid, loved how you taught him how to be just like you. He loved the way you looked at him, he loved the way you smelled, he loved each and every nose kiss that you had given him. He loved everything about you, from your head to your toes, your physical appearance to your personality and he wanted you to love him back, God how he wanted that. 

Taehyung's breathing was still sporadic and sharp, inhaling more than he was exhaling so you took his hand, sliding it onto your chest over your heart.

"Can you breathe like I am Taehyung? Breathe like me, in, out, in, out." You took deep breaths, his hand raising and lowering with your inhales and exhales. He tried to match his to yours, breathing out longer and not taking in more oxygen than he needed. His breathing was finally steady, in time with yours and you smiled weakly, taking his face in your hands. You pressed little kisses all over it, knowing that it wouldn't elicit the usually giggly response, but would at least cheer him up. With each kiss he leaned his head forwards, pressing it more into your hands and face until he was leaned fully into you. He looked up once you stopped, eyes focusing on your lips. 

Your lips, the ones that spoke his name so sweetly, the ones that pressed onto his nose each night before bed, the ones that he wanted to kiss so badly. Kiss for real. Not the way you had taught him. But he had seen it at his old master's house, people would often kiss each other sloppily, right before they-

Taehyung didn't want that with you. He wanted to love you and for you to love him, he didn't want you to use him, he didn't want to use you. So he promised himself there, that the only thing he'd ever do to you was love you, never hurt or use you. He leaned in, hovering his face above yours, lips millimeters away from yours. He heard your gasp, a soft sound that made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. He pushed his lips on yours, bumping noses with you before you began kissing back, lips molding together. For a split second, everything was perfect, until you heard the knock, the harsh banging on your door and the voice, that voice that Taehyung hated more than anything. He broke away, just in time to hear the five words, the five words that struck terror through both of your hearts.

"I want my hybrid back."

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