Chapter Sixty-Seven - Forever and Always

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You choked on your breath, blush coating your cheeks as you spluttered.

"What, I- A baby?! You want us to have a baby together? Now?!"

Taehyung's ears began to droop as he let out a low whine.

"I just meant that I wanted to have a baby with you someday. But if you don't want to, it's okay, I understand." His eyes returned to the baby in his lap who reached up, pressing another gummy baby kiss to the dog hybrids cheek as his eyes filled with tears.

"No no no, that's not what I meant! I'd love to have a baby with you someday, just, I don't know if I'm ready yet. We're not even married, I'd want to do that first."

He finally looked up at you, tears finally brimming and sliding down his cheeks. You took Jinyoung from him, setting him on a play mat before returning to sit in front of Taehyung.

"I swear baby, I didn't mean it like that. I love you, you know I do. And I'd love a child with you, like I said though, I'd want us to be married first."

"But I've already marked you, it's the same thing, really."

"I know Taehyung, but I want to make it official the human way too. I want everyone to be able to come, Jungkook can be the ring bearer, Joy can be the flower girl. Jiminie can be your best man and the rest of the guys can be groomsmen, I can already picture it."  You brushed the tears from his cheeks, smiling wistfully as you envisioned the special day.

"You really want to marry me?"

"Taehyung, of course! I love you, I'd be so honored to say that I was married to you."

"Even though I'm a hybrid?"

"Taehyung, silly, if I cared about you being a hybrid, would I have ever brought you home in the first place?"

"Well no, but I just want to make sure-"

"I'm sure. You're all I want, forever and always."

He smiled wide, whimpering happily and not even trying to control the wild thumping of his tail against the floor. Jinyoung squealed from the play mat, reaching out for the swinging appendage and managing to grasp it with his tiny little hands. He didn't grab it hard though, letting it slide through his fingers and catching it again and again, each time it wagged.

Taehyung peered behind him, giggling at the baby who was fascinated with the golden tail and wiggling it around tauntingly in front of the kitten. Jinyoung let out a feeble attempt at a pounce, limited by his infantile range of movement. He lunged himself forwards, bumping his chin on the carpet and beginning to wail. You acted fast, scooping up the cat hybrid and cradling him in your arms. You inspected his slight case of rugburn, making sure there was no blood before kissing it gently, stroking his ears to calm him down. His sobs were reduced to light sniffles as his eyes drooped and you laid him against your chest. His tail curled around your wrist as he dozed off in your arms and you smiled at him adoringly.

"I didn't know he was gonna hurt himself! I swear it was an accident!" Taehyung whined, ears flat to his head.

"I know baby, he's just a kitten, I wasn't expecting it either. Here, do you want to hold him?"

You shifted the kitten from your arms into Taehyung's, supporting his head as he sleepily curled into the dog hybrid's chest. Taehyung's tail began wagging again as he nuzzled his face against Jinyoung's soft kitten ears. The baby stirred slightly, only cuddling further into Taehyung's warm embrace before the dog hybrid looked back up at you.



"When did you know you loved me?"

You floundered slightly at the question, "I mean, for the first time ever?"

"Yeah, when did you figure it out?"

"I think it was that night, when you came into my room at night, scared of the storm. You were so sweet and scared and snuggly when I got you into the bed and the next morning only confirmed my earlier feelings. You were really eager to learn and you caught on really fast too, it made me think that I was really helping you."

"You were! I wouldn't even be here right now if it weren't for you! You saved me, and taught me how to live like a human, not an animal! You saved me, more than once, and you taught me... You taught me how to love, Y/N. I'm so insanely grateful for you, I'm scared to think where I'd be without you."

"Taehyung, I hope you know that just because you're a hybrid, that it doesn't mean that you deserve any less than humans in any category. I'm treating you how you should be treated, regardless of whether or not you'd been treated nicely in the past. You're the light of my life and I also can't even fathom where I'd be without you. I'd probably be sad and alone, sitting on the couch in the old house, watching disney movies. Jin and Jimin might be there, but I'd most likely be sad and alone." Taehyung giggled at the image of you, knowing that you'd be anything but sad and alone if the corgi hybrid had any say in things.

"I love you Y/N. I really do."

"I love you too Taehyung."

He moved forwards, keeping Jinyoung resting on his chest and wrapping you in a tight hug. You did your best not to squish the little kitty boy, wrapping yourself around him and kissing his forehead. You looked up, meeting Taehyung's eyes and pressing a kiss to his nose. He did the same for you, nuzzling his against yours when he was done, your foreheads pressed against each other.

Taehyung felt his tail start to wag, smiling and closing his eyes as he took in your warmth. He swore to himself right then and there that no matter what happened, he'd always be yours, and he hoped that you'd always be his.

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