Chapter Ninety-Eight - Gone

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Beginning the second that I post this, I will be writing for other groups on this account! I have decided to begin writing for other groups because I wanted to branch out more, there's so many phenomenal groups that are so underrated and unnoticed and no one ever writes for them. So, please send in your requests to my inbox, post them as a comment on this block of text, or post them on my message wall! This goes for Archive of Our Own too, I'm under the same name on there as I am on here (scoupsyouintomyarms), and I will write for other groups there as well! Thank you to those who have been patient with me as I figure out this part of my life, and I think that writing for other groups will really help with my levels of inspiration. I love you all, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy the new chapter!


"Hm?" You stood up straight, turning to see Taehyung in the doorway, with Jungkook in front of him. 

"Can we go outside? Just in the front yard? We promise not to throw the ball over the fence again, that neighbor was scary." Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck, recalling how, just yesterday, the ball had sailed over the fence, and into the elderly man next door's rosebush. The man came over to your house with the popped ball in his hand, a scowl on his face as he scolded the two hybrids for being so irresponsible. 

You let out a soft laugh, bending down to help Jungkook tie his second shoe as you could tell he was having trouble with it.

"Okay, I guess that's fine, just be careful. Dinner is gonna be ready in," You checked the clock, 5:23, "a little over thirty minutes. Just be back inside before then." You finished tying Jungkook's little sneaker, kissing the top of his head just between his bunny ears and smiling as they twitched. You rose to your feet, having to stand on your tip-toes to do the same to Taehyung. He smiled, nudging his nose against yours before taking Jungkook's little hand in his.

You watched them go with a smile, shutting the door behind them so as not to let in the warm outside air. You sat on the couch, heart warming at the giggles and shouts you heard from the pair. 

It was only 5:27 when the giggles turned into more shouts, then the shouts into eerie silence. You tried telling yourself that they were just speaking at a normal volume, or that they had found a ladybug that they were both too interested in to abandon. But when it got to be 5:30 and no noise had come from outside, you stood, slipping on sandals that were lying by the door.

You cracked the door open, peering out from around it and looking out at the very empty front yard. You felt your heart pound hard in your chest as you stepped out onto the porch, your eyes flitting frantically around the street to see if you could see them anywhere.

"Taehyung?! Jungkook?! Where are you?!" You felt tears burn at your eyes, stinging at your lids until they finally broke free, falling down and littering the grass below. Apparently, you had shouted louder than you thought, because you felt a hand on your arm that pulled you backwards. You whipped your head around, seeing Seokjin with his face pulled into a frown. His eyes bore worriedly into yours and you gasped for breath, your lungs burning just like your heart. 

You could barely hear what he was saying, your ears were occupied with a dull buzzing, drowning out all other noise. But he shook you lightly, the action breaking you out of your trance. You finally heard his words.

"Y/N! What's wrong? What is it?"

"T-They.. They're gone! I-I let them go outside and I didn't even go with them, I just let them go out alone, and they're gone!"

The sense of deja vu that you were having, letting them out of your sight, then finding that they were nowhere to be found was crushing you, constricting your chest with each breath you took. You felt like you couldn't relax, that the second you let them out of your sight that they were snatched out from under you and they were your family, you couldn't let them go! You had to find them.

You let Seokjin lead you back inside, barely noticing when he pushed you gently to sit back on the couch. He knelt down to be at your eye-level, taking your face in his hands and forcing you to look at him. 

"Y/N, breathe. Tell me everything you can about what happened. We'll find them, but you need to relax."

You inhaled sharply, willing the tears away for a few moments while you spoke. 

"They asked me if they could go outside, and I just said yes without even thinking! I even closed the door behind them, of course I couldn't save them in time, I didn't even know what was going on-"

Your rushed words were interrupted by the front door slamming against the wall, and you turned to look at who had come inside. You were hoping against all hope that it would be Taehyung and Jungkook, but a panicked Namjoon was the one who stared back at you, not your family.

"Y/N! Joy, she's-"

"Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook are-"


Feral - Hybrid!Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now