Chapter Ninety-Six - Babysitting

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I posted a new fic on my archive of our own, called Too Friendly! Please please please go read it, I'm under the same name on there as I am on here and it's linked in my bio :) Thank you loves!! Also yo i updated what is this

When Yugyeom's car pulled up you stood, keeping Taehyung's hand tight in your own. 

"Y/N! Taehyung! Hey, thanks for letting me come. I'm happy to help, I really wanted this place to go down, and now that it finally has I wanna help the hybrids who weren't as lucky as I was."

You felt Taehyung shrink a bit at Yugyeom's words but you just pulled him close, kissing his cheek before turning back to Yugyeom.

"Thank you so much Yugyeom, I really appreciate it. Is there anything I should know about your car before we take it back home?"

"Not really, just please keep the heat on the level that it's already on, Jinyoung get's really cold sometimes so we have to crank the temperature up.

"Will do. And BamBam is there too?"

Yugyeom nodded, handing you the key fob and thanking you once again.

"I'll call before I come home, to let you know when we're on our way. Oh, and Jinyoung needs breakfast, he just woke up when I transferred him to the car."

Once Yugyeom was set in his plans he turned, running off into the bottom level of the building. You opened the car door, sliding into the driver's seat and greeting the boys in the back.

"Hi loves! I missed you!"

Jackson greeted you excitedly, little tail thumping against the seat behind him, "Missed you too!" You reached back to ruffle his hair, cupping his chubby cheek in your hand for a second before switching to BamBam, taking a much slower approach. Only when you were certain he was comfortable with it did you scratch behind one of his ears, giggling when it twitched under your hand.

Taehyung fake screamed when Jinyoung took hold of his finger, bringing it into his little mouth and gnawing on it with the newly growing teeth. You could see the bottom ones coming in, making his little grin ten times more adorable. 

Jinyoung giggled, kicking his feet and clapping his little hands when Taehyung finally managed to wrench his finger out of the baby's mouth. You began your drive, listening to Jackson tell you everything that had happened since he'd last seen you.

"And then Yugyeom said that it was too early to have ice cream, and that I had to eat dinner first." 

"Wow! Well maybe later, if you eat a good lunch, we can take you all for some ice cream."

Cheers filled the backseat and you heard Jinyoung's excited squeals.

When you arrived you helped BamBam out, making sure that Jackson got help from Taehyung before scooping JInyoung up, peppering his little face with kisses and laughing at his squeals.

You made your way into their home, strapping Jinyoung into his high chair right away and rummaging through the fridge for a moment before extracting hybrid specific baby food. You fed him spoonfuls at a time, making airplane noises with your mouth. He always giggled, opening wide but then spitting half of the food back out. It was a good thing you had a bib on him.

Taehyung was sat on the living room floor, pull-back car in his hands as he aimed it towards BamBam. He let the car go, laughing as BamBam squealed, jumping out of the way of the toy. Jackson grabbed it, clumsily aiming it back at Taehyung and letting the car speed towards the oldest dog hybrid.

They played like this until you were done feeding Jinyoung, the baby reaching for Taehyung's ears from where you stood behind him. You set the baby down in Taehyung's lap, grabbing the car for yourself and sending it racing back towards the boys.

You sat on the floor beside Taehyung, laughing as Jinyoung took Taehyung's ear in one hand and tried lowering it to his mouth. You helped Taehyung out, gently tugging the floppy dog ear out of Jinyoung's mouth and giving him a stuffed toy in exchange. Jinyoung barely noticed, instead chewing on the stuffed toy's ear. BamBam rushed to sit in your lap, taking your hand in his and grinning up at you. He grabbed the car when it came rolling back towards the two of you, turning in your lap to roll the car over your head. 

You faked fear, letting BamBam drive the car down your arm and your leg. You waited until he was distracted before you lunged for him, grabbing him by the sides and tickling him. He screamed, giggles making it's way out of his mouth as he squirmed in your grip. 

You finally let BamBam go, pressing a kiss to his chubby little cheek and letting him rest in your lap. Jackson came running over, whining about how he wanted a kiss too and you cooed, kissing his forehead. 

"Y/N, what about me?" You turned to see Taehyung, ridiculously perfected puppy eyes staring back at you. You laughed, leaning over to press a chaste kiss to his lips. Jackson and BamBam gagged, rushing out of your lap to go and play with each other across the room.

Taehyung leaned his forehead against yours, a hand covering Jinyoung's little tummy as the baby played with his toy.

"Y/N, how many kids are we gonna have?"

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