Chapter Seventy - Panic Attack

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Jesus Christ chapter seventy whAt


You grabbed two towels, one for Doyoung's hair and one for his body, bringing them back into the washroom. He sat, crouched at one of the shower stalls, tracing the patterns on the tile that made up the floor. He jumped at your arrival, scrambling to sit with his head down, eyes on the floor.

"Okay Doyoung, how do you like the water, warm, cold, hot?"

"You can make the water warm?"

"Y-Yes. Didn't you ever shower at Jennies?"

"She gave me a hose before every fight and told me to look nice."

"Oh," Was your meek response as you unhooked the shower head, twisting both knobs a bit and testing the water on your hand. You reached for Doyoung's hand, waiting a bit before grabbing it as he flinched back. You set his hand in yours, letting the water spray over his skin, slightly caked with grime. He gasped, eyes closing.

"I forgot how good it feels to be warm."

"You get fuzzy flannel pajamas here, you'll be nice and warm with those under all your blankets."

"You meant what you said about giving me blankets?"

"I meant everything that I promised you before."

He offered you a warm smile and let his hand curl around yours.

"Thank you so much. You'll never know how grateful I am for this."

"You deserve the best in life Doyoung. You haven't been treated nicely at all, but I'd like to change that for you. Now let's start with your hair, please tuck your ears flat to your head so that they don't get water in them."

Doyoung did as he was told, the little leopard ears folding to his head as he bared his head for you to wash. You lathered his scalp with shampoo, massaging his head and smiling as he leaned into your hands. You warned him before rinsing the bubbles out, making sure his ears were still tight to his head before running the warm water over his hair. He cupped the warm water in his hands, examining the bubbles with rapt interest. You took one on your finger, presenting it to him and giggling when he popped it accidentally. A frown took over his face as he tried to catch another bubble and you finished rinsing his head while he was occupied.

You moved onto his body next, and although his clothes were much more in shape and presentable than Taehyung's had been when he had come in, the amount of dirt and blood draining in the water was the same, if not more. The freshest blood seemed to be coming from the left side of his abdomen and you brushed your fingers over the spot. He flinched, curling away from you and you backed away.

"I'm so sorry! It must hurt really bad, I didn't mean to hurt you more. Can you lift up the edge of your shirt so that I can see the wound? I'm really sorry, again, I didn't mean to hurt you any further." He dismissed your apologies, raising the hem of his shirt to reveal a very infected wound that sat on his side.

"Oh Doyoung, how long have you had that?"

"Just a week or two. But it hurts, really bad." You nodded, reaching up slowly to stroke a hand over his damp ears. He leaned into your hand, butting his head up to receive more contact. You giggled at his instinctual response, dismissing the blush that coated his cheeks. You gently poured water on his wound, cleaning out all of the fresh blood that oozed out before lathering the rest of his body with soap, rinsing off the bubbles once more.

Once he was sufficiently clean, you took the clean clothes that you kept stocked in the washroom, unfolding them and closing your eyes, blindly helping him through dressing himself. Once he was covered you reopened your eyes, taking a clean brush and brushing through his hair. It was smooth and silky now that it wasn't coated in grease and grime and you skillfully avoided his ears, only gently brushing the back after you'd finished his hair.

You helped him off of the ground, opening the washroom door and escorting him out. You helped him into the room across the hall, the bed made a little sloppily, but still a quality job. You went to close the door behind the two of you when a figure collided with you from behind, knocking both you and Doyoung to the floor. Your scream made Doyoung recoil, scrambling into he corner of the room and curling up into a ball. A heavy weight was on top of you and you squirmed in it's hold, trying to turn around. You finally succeeded, looking up at the figure that was bleached out from the light above him. As your eyes adjusted, a familiar voice filled your ears.

"Y/N! I missed you! You haven't been here in so long!"

"Minseok? Hi, oh my god, I missed you too! How are you doing here?"

He gave you a blinding smile, "I'm doing great! I met so many people, I even made a few friends!"

"That's so good Minseok! I'm so glad that you're liking it here, I was worried about you! Here, why don't you meet Doyoung, you can be his first friend here, and you can show him around." You pried Minseok's arms off of you, sitting up and looking around for Doyoung. You found Taehyung crouching beside a huddled figure on the floor, rubbing his hand in soothing circles over it's back. 

Doyoung was trembling, shaking his head vigorously as Taehyung tried to comfort him. You scooted over towards him, dipping your head down and getting on eye level with him. He looked at the floor instead, inhaling more than he was exhaling as tears streamed down his face.

You laid a hand on his shoulder, cooing to him to calm him down, "Doyoung, it's okay. You're safe here, remember? Minseok just got excited, he didn't mean to knock you over. Remember what I told you, no one's gonna hurt you anymore." You rubbed his ears, grazing your nails over the base of each little white ear that twitched under your hand. Nothing seemed to be working, not until a pair of little footsteps rushed into the room, running over to you in the corner. You knew the german shepherd hybrid by name, having taken care of him a lot while he was in the shelter. He had come in as a baby and had been raised in the system, ever optimistic about his lack of true parents.

"Y/N! I missed you, who's this? Why is he crying?"

(Leave you guessing heheheheheheh)

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