Chapter Forty-One - Moving In Part One

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(Okay so if you read the comments on this story, you'd have read the comments of the people reminding me that I literally forgot an entire kitten existed?? I forgot that I had written about Y/N and Taehyung having a cat? Sooooo Imma try and remember, so sorry for the kitten stans :') )

It was around six at night when you finally, finally finished packing up all of your things. Everyone stood in your living room, slightly sweaty and disheveled from moving the bigger furniture. You tried to shake off the bittersweet feeling that you got once again from saying goodbye to the house, but you also didn't want to continue living in a place that thought so low of hybrids.

Jin offered to drive Jungkook, having room in his large car for the carseat, while you and Taehyung were barely going to fit in there together. He also took the cat carrier that housed your little kitten. (Thank you again for reminding me :') )

You loaded the rest of the boxes into your car, the ones that Jin couldn't fit in his. He had also rented out trailers for each of your cars, each one eventually filled to the brim with boxes of your possessions. You and Taehyung got in your car, strapping your seatbelts in and waving to Jin, Jimin, and Jungkook in the next car over. They waved back, setting off towards your new house and you trailed after them, following them through the streets.

Taehyung's tail was wagging slightly, every so often beating against the seat of the car. In passing the park that you'd sometimes take him and Jungkook to though, or the cat cafe where you'd gotten your little kitten, his ears began to droop.

"You okay baby?" You glanced over at him as best you could while driving. You heard a soft whimper and stopped the car, texting Jin to let him know that you needed to stop to use the restroom but that you'd catch up soon enough. You turned to Taehyung in the passenger's seat, heart dropping at the tears that were falling from his cheeks.

"Baby, what's wrong?" You cooed, reaching a hand over to wipe the tears off of his cheeks. He leaned into your hand, nudging his nose against the heel of your hand as he sniffled.

"Just gonna miss home. Gonna miss the park. Gonna miss taking walks around the neighborhood. Just gonna miss stuff." You regretted not prepping him better for the move.

"Aww, Taehyungie, don't worry. There's a really big park near our new house, I made sure to check before we bought it. And we can take walks around that neighborhood too. Don't worry, I know it's sad and scary at first, but now we have a new home. Just because we're not living in our old home still , doesn't mean that we don't have a home. It just means that we have a new one. And we're all living together now, are you excited for that?"

He nodded, still sniffling slightly as he looked at you.



"Can home be a person?" His eyes were shining with questions, and you wanted to ingrain the moment into your memory forever.

"Yes, if that person makes you feel like that. Your home can be a person."

"Then Y/N?"


"You're my home."

This time it was you who burst into tears, covering your face with both of your hands and leaning against the steering wheel. Your shoulders shook with the sobs that tore through you, each one saddening Taehyung more and more.

"Y/N, no! Please don't cry! I wanted you to be happy, don't cry!" His hands were pulling your shoulders back, trying to pry your hands away from your face so that he could see you. You complied, letting your hands rest between you and Taehyung limply as he pulled the lever, guiding the center console to collapse between your seats so that he could hold you. He undid your seatbelt, lifting you out of your seat and into his lap. He buried his face in your hair, squeezing your waist and rubbing your back to calm you down. 

You pulled your face out of his chest, hiccuping slightly and eyes red and puffy. His eyes instantly met yours, filled with worry and concern. His thumbs went up and wiped the remaining tears off of your face, and he leaned down to kiss some of them away. You closed your eyes, relishing in the feeling of him taking care of you. 

"Why did you cry?"

"They were happy tears, I was happy. I'm just so glad that I met you Taehyung, I don't know where I'd be without you. You deserve the best in life and I'm trying my best to give that to you. I know I can't, but I'm trying. I just got so happy that you think of me that way. I'm so glad that, even though you've been through so much, that you can still trust someone enough to let them give you a good life."

You were going to continue in your speech, but you were cut off by the feeling of Taehyung's lips on yours. You felt tears on his cheeks as they pressed against yours, and you broke away to rest your forehead against his.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Taehyung."

It was twenty minutes later when you and Taehyung pulled into the driveway of your new home. You got out, opening up the trailer and each taking in one box and a few loose items. You pushed open the door, smiling when you felt your little kitten curling around your feet and heard meows. Jungkook rushed out into the hallway, grinning at the sight of you and running towards you.

"Y/N! Taehyung! We got scared, you weren't getting here and we were gonna go out and look for you! But you're here now!"

You smiled, balancing one side of the box on your hip and ruffling his hair with the other.

"It's okay Jungkook, we just had to find a bathroom. Where's everyone else?"

"Back in there!"

You followed the bunny boy through the hallway, smiling when you saw your friends all sitting on the couch in the living room. Everyone except for Hoseok and Yoongi.

"Hey guys! Where did Yoongi and Hoseok go?"

"Uhm, Hoseok is uhm, sick."

"Sick? He seemed fine earlier?" Jimin's question wasn't meant to arouse so much awkward silence.

"Uhm, he's got a special kind of sickness, one that only adult hybrids get. And he has to sleep. And rest. Yoongi said he'd be back in a few days to a week."

"Oh, okay, well I hope he feels better." You understood that Hoseok was in heat, but you didn't want the others pushing more until it was uncomfortable. So your tone was final, and you trudged up the stairs with Taehyung at your heel, unaware of the danger you were putting yourself in until it was too late.

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