Chapter Twenty-Eight - Unexpected Meetings

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You met Yoongi in the middle of your driveway, seeing him in his car gesturing for you to get in. You did, buckling your seatbelt before turning to face him. 

"So where are we planning on going?"

"There's a string of neighborhoods that were just recently built, a lot of open houses. We can start there, but since those will be expensive, we'll work our way down to listings in other neighborhoods."

"And you came up with this in twenty minutes?"

"We just bought this house, remember? I remember the other listings, and this time, we ask if hybrids are welcomed."

You nodded, watching as Yoongi wove throughout side streets and freeways until you were driving into an open neighborhood, signs for open houses posted on each perfect lawn. You stepped out of the car, parking on the street alongside a small white house. Yoongi locked the car after you exited, the beep making you jump slightly. As you stepped into the cottage-like home, You realized that it was not bigger on the inside than it looked from the outside. Each room was cramped and tight, hardwood floors installed. You couldn't count the number of times that you had played with Taehyung to entertain him, tossing a ball down your hallway so that he could get his energy out. He was not going to survive long with slippery, hardwood floors. You knew that you could just install carpet, but that was just going to be more money that you didn't have.

Still, you flagged down a real estate agent, almost gagging at the stench of her perfume that she had seemingly bathed in.

"Yes Ma'am, how may I help you today?" Her smile looked like the botox so obviously injected into her face was the only thing keeping it together and you couldn't imagine just how much makeup was caked on her face. She was an older woman, feet jammed into high heels and pencil skirt tight around her waist.

"I was just wondering, what's your hybrid policy in this area?"


"Yes, hybrids." You weren't sure why she was asking you like she couldn't speak English, but you saw her eyes physically darken at the word.

"None whatsoever. We'd like to keep out community safe and clean."

"Goodbye then."

You didn't even bother being polite as you whirled around, grabbing Yoongi's arm and heading back to the car.

"What happened?"

"She was so condescending, I guess they have a No Hybrids policy."

"That place wouldn't have worked anyways, too small and wood floors. Hoseok would break so many bones." Yoongi snorted, apparently used to letting his husky hybrid run free as well.

"Taehyung too. So it needs to be big, so that they can run around, and also hopefully have carpet. But not in this neighborhood."

Yoongi nodded, starting the car up again and driving out of the neighborhood.

You went to three more houses before you found a decent one, each one too small, no hybrids allowed, or completely floored with wood flooring. The fourth house that you entered, seemed okay at first. Decent colored carpeting covered the floors and the layout was very open, giving the boys lots of room to run around. Yoongi seemed to like it too, the six bedroom layout giving you plenty of space to live in comfortably. It wasn't until you walked into the fifth bedroom that you stopped dead in your tracks, seeing some of the last people you would have expected to be there, at an open house.

"Jin?! Jimin?!"

Each turned, Jimin breaking out into a wide grin and rushing towards you for a hug.

"Y/N! I missed you, I'm so happy you're here! Wait, what are you doing here?"

"Yeah, the both of you, what are you doing here?" Jin's brows were furrowed as he looked at you.

"We both got a nasty letter from some bit-"

"wHAT YOONGI MEANS is that someone on the board for our neighborhood wrote us each a letter basically telling us to get out because hybrids aren't allowed."

"So did we! I guess we're close enough to you guys to be considered in the same neighborhood. But anyways, I told Jimin and we're looking at options now. Why aren't your boys with you?"

"We didn't want them to feel guilty about us having to relocate because of them. It's not their faults and they should be treated with so much more respect than they're given." To end your statement you reached up, scratching Jimin's left ear and cooing as his tail begun wagging.

"So do you like this place?"

"Yeah, i really do. I think Jimin would do well here. It's really open and he needs that sometimes."

You nodded at Jin's reply, formulating an idea.

"You know... Yoongi and I were thinking about living together, neither of us are really rolling in cash. I'm sure it would just make it more fun if you were to join in."

It was Jimin that answered first, tugging softly on your arm, eyes shining.

"You mean we could all live together?! So Taehyung, Hoseok and Jungkook would all be living here too? With us?!"

"Only if Jin says yes, and I don't want you pressuring him if he doesn't want to Jimin." Your reply was firm but you winked at the dog hybrid, smiling when a blush grew on his cheeks.

"Like I'd say no, I'm for it! We can figure out how to divy up the rent later, but that sounds so fun! It'd give the hybrids more time with each other and more people to play with."

You squealed at Jin's reply, almost knocking him over with a hug. He laughed, catching you and hugging you back. You broke away, heading for the woman downstairs who had let you in to tell her that you wanted to buy the place. But Yoongi's warning of, 'make sure you hide the letter', hadn't even registered in your brain before you had left the house, and Taehyung stood in the dining room reading the paper, staining it with his tears because now he really wasn't sure if you were coming back or not.

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